Estella (JAMES)

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I remember it all like it was just yesterday but she hardly remembered much because she was drunk and even though she did it, she always claimed that she only did it because I was drunk but that was it: I wasn't drunk, not even tipsy I was just too drunk in her body. Her perfectly sculpted figure.

Her waist fit so well in my palm and the praises I was throwing her for wearing that well fitted dress with the little exposure of skin at her waist in my head, were the only things I could think of at that moment. The soft touch of her lips on mine was completely electrifying. It left me wondering, "so what was I doing when I had my first kiss cause I definitely did not have it with the right person"

I had been dreaming for too long that when that moment became reality.


She murdered me on the spot.

And when we finally got home . She didn't even waste time. She showed me things I never knew. The ticklish feel of her tongue all over my body.

And how I enjoyed sucking every bit of flesh over her body, lingering at certain special places for full flavor.

She tasted so good: her hot saltiness and all.

That was the most fun I ever had in the years of my life . I thought that was it though.

I thought that was the main dish .

The big thing.

But it took our wedding night; a couple of months after we found out that she was pregnant, that day, was beyond amazing. It was complete satisfaction

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