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I never thought this would be so difficult.

I had read so many books and have been told a lot but this is beyond me.

It's  hard to believe that this is me. That I have a son. A son that claims that I am not his mother.

But if I am not his mother then who is the woman I see in the pictures with him?

Is it that I just look like her?

Or that she was the old me and that I had changed completely after the accident?

Am I really a widow?

How did He even look like?

Am I just that dumb to believe the things these people say I am?

What if I'm not supposed to be a nurse?

What if I had a twin?

And why does Mr. Pados  keep calling me Ella?

I was completely sure my name is Elina.

But why did Giagiá also call me Ella?

Is this Ella they keep calling me  someone I should know?

I wish I could remember but I only remember in my sleep.

Which is something I really dread.

But like Mr. Pados, I just have to go through it because it's a necessity .

Oh the poor man.

He could barely sleep if it was up to him alone.

Just when I thought my nightmares where just totally crazy, I see Mr.Pados completely drenched with sweat and where is his wife? Either at "work" or getting drunk off her ass. No wonder why he's so hostile towards her; she's been totally unfaithful to him.

Although his condition isn't that bad, I still think he didn't deserve that and especially when I found out that it was right after he had gotten married to that witch. It must have been the worst day of his life.

Oh and the fact that the love of his life had left with their son.

And also the fact that everyone else thinks he's dead.

This man is suffering a lot and yet he still holds up  a smile in his wife's presence and tries to laugh a bit and for today he invited me and Micah over for Gelato. He's such a nice man.

But can I take him out without his wife's permission?

Is he ready to meet a child when he's already so heartbroken from loosing his?

I don't know but this really sounds like a bad idea.  Maybe I should stay bent on keeping my promise to him and only wait till he's ready.

Yeah. Maybe...

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