Six years passed (JAMES)

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Six years passed, living with my son and revealing my story to the public.
Six years passed, my mother finally forgave me after she found out the real reason why.
Why I married Anne
Why I hid from her when I was blind
Why I finally came back after all those years

Six years passed and I am still searching.
Searching for HER.
After that little accident at the ice cream shop, I never saw her again. Sometimes I would ponder on it for far too long only to end with the same thought: was it real or did I not see right?
I haven't had anymore nightmares since Elina moved into my room.
No, we weren't sleeping together. I just put in a door to extend the room so she can come in when she could and also have her own privacy. I just wasn't sure I was ready to have another woman violate the beauty of my memories of HER in OUR room.
I just wanted it to be confirmed whether she was dead or not so I could finally decide if it was time to move on but then there's a voice at the back of my mind that tells me that will never happen.
For now I had my work and son to take care of. I finally left all the work to the police to work on so I can just fix my now and then look forward to my tomorrow.

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