Chapter Four- Latte

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{Chapter Four}

Cat woman?

My nose scrunches up in distaste. I don't even like cats. Although, Cat woman is pretty awesome but that's not the point. The point is that Max actually acknowledged me and used one of his famous pick up lines on me. Don't tell me...I'm his new target?

I seriously have no time for his crap. I have too many things to think about and do. Being his new flirting target is not one of them.  Before I can take a step forward a swarm of girls crowd around me.

"You're so lucky!"

"You guys are so cute together!"

"I totally ship you!"

More comments keep being thrown at me before I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me from the crowd. I look up to see that it was just Meme and sigh in relief.

"Did I ever tell you that you are awesome?" I say, placing my arm around her shoulders gratefully.

"None of the mushy stuff, Hun." Meme rolls her eyes before winking. "And of course I am."

"Get over yourself." I chuckle as we walk to class.

"So why was Mr. Golden Boy talking to you?" she asks curiously.

"I think I'm his new target," I say before a shiver runs down my spine and not one from pleasure.

"Keep your guard up, he's bad news."

"Like I don't know already. Besides, you know how I feel about his crap."

"Though I shouldn't say this, I'm going to anyway." Meme looks at me nervously before continuing cautiously."I know this has nothing to do with the conversation but maybe your father had a reason. Love isn't as cruel or misleading as you think."

Just like that I feel anger, hurt and sadness course through me before I hiss softly," What do you know?"

I didn't mean to snap at or hurt Meme but she struck a nerve. I always thought she understood how I felt, how much my father leaving affected me since she was there. She was there when I was practically a zombie, when I was at rock bottom, when I felt like things were never going to be okay again. But then again, how could she understand? She has her father and doesn't have to go through what my family and I have to go through. Love isn't a cruel thing? I just hope it won't be a cruel thing to her like it has been to me. I feel tears start to prick my eyes, but not only from sadness but also from anger. Anger that was produced by Meme bringing up a topic that I wish I could bury forever. Bringing up the person I wish I could forget forever.

I walk away from Meme, ignoring her calls. I feel a hand grab my elbow and I look back to see an apologetic Meme. However, I pull my arm from her grasp before speed walking out of the hallway into an empty classroom. I shut the door before letting the tears flow out of my eyes. I pound my chest softly as tears continue to stream down my cheeks and sobs rack through my body. Sinking down to the ground, memories of the day my father left rush to me like a flood sinking me deeper into my despair. Once upon a time, I held onto a string of hope. The fact that my father never answered my question of whether he cares about my family or not was my string of hope. But as weeks, months and years passed the string started to get weaker and began to pop. Now, I hold onto nothing but the painful memories of the past. The memories I wish I could forget.

A pair of arms wraps around my shaking body and I instantly know who it is. Anyone can pin point her perfume from miles away. I lean into her body as she soothingly strokes my hair, wetting her shoulder with my tears.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up knowing how much it affects you," Meme whispers, her voice cracking. I feel something like a raindrop land on my cheek causing guilt to settle in the pit of my stomach. I pull away from Meme's embrace just far enough to see her face. Tears pour from her clear eyes and her pale nose shines bright red.

"You are not attractive while crying," I tease her.

"Who said you were?" She cracks a smile. 

"I'm always sexy, Honey." I wink before wiping my tears from my cheeks.

"Get over yourself." Meme shoves my shoulder gently, chuckling. 

"I'm sorry," I mutter, pulling her back into a hug.

"Me too," she whispers, her arms tightening around me.


I feel eyes burn into the back of my head as I try to concentrate on the lesson.  However, as every second and minute pass, the gaze becomes harder to ignore. 

"Someone's staring at me, I can feel it," I whisper to Meme who sits beside me.

"I'll discreetly look back, you don't okay?" Meme whispers back.  I shoot her a discreet thumbs up before scribbling down what is on the board.

"It's Max."

My eyebrow instantly rises and I turn around to see that he is indeed staring at me but the stare isn't flirtatious.  It's like he is trying to figure me out.  Like he wants to tear down any walls that may be blocking him from seeing deeper than my surface.  Like he wants to see my heart, my soul. His gaze raises curiosity and confusion in me. However, before I can try to figure out what is going on in his mind, the bell signaling the end of class rings. I sigh before getting up from my seat and going into the hallway full of students while making small talk with Meme.

"Jade, wait up!" a voice shouts and I turn to see the President of the Student Council speed-walking towards me.

"Yes?" I ask politely after halting, Meme beside me.

"Here," she says out of breath, handing me a white envelope with no name or address on it.

"What's this?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Someone came and asked me to give this to you."

"Did they tell you their name?"

"Nope. Anyways, I got to run. See ya later." She waves before running off.

I cautiously open the envelope and peek inside, gasping.

What in the world?


Cliffhanger already, sorry not sorry xD Thank you everyone who is giving this book a chance! I wasn't expecting to reach so many reads so quickly. I hope you are enjoying it so far. Don't forget to vote and comment. Also share this book and click that follow button if you wish!

-Peace out x


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