Chapter Twenty-Three-Café Crema

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{Chapter Twenty-Three}

Lunch rolls in and I go to the cafeteria to search for Meme.  While I'm close to Tesha, Meme is the one I'm closest to.  She knows everything about me and I know everything about her.  We are like sisters.  She has always looked out for me, supported me and cared about me.  To know I have hurt her, hurts me. 

My eyes travel around the room in search of a certain blonde.  I told Max that I'll meet him later under the tree.  After I was able to control my emotions, I told Max why I didn't want him to tell Meme anything, but left out the stuff about Cara.

I spot Meme and walk towards the table she usually sits at.  She looks up and realizes it's me before picking up her tray to move. 

I grab her arm to stop her, my voice cracking.

"Please, wait."

"Why should I wait for someone who doesn't think of me as their true friend?" Meme angrily says, pulling her hand out of mine.

"What's going on?" Tesha ,who I only now realized was there, asks.

"She's someone we don't know," Meme says, but when the words come out of her mouth, I know she regrets them. Meme has never been an unforgiving person.

"Meme," I say softly.

"Let's go, Tesh."

Meme looks away from me and starts to walk away from the table again.

"Can you please not do this now?" I beg, a whole fresh set of tears falling from my eyes.

Meme stops in her tracks and turns around, worry filling her clear eyes.

"What's going on, Jade?"

"Can we move away from all these eyes?" I ask, inhaling a deep breath.


Meme pulls me into a hug before we all, including Tesha, go outside to sit on the bench by the car park, where there is no one.

"Spill," Tesh says as we sit on the bench.

And that is what I do. I tell them everything about the contract that Ester came to me with, the slap, Max's punishment, everything.  Well, besides the Cara problem which still sits heavy on my chest.

"Wow," is all they can say for a moment before they start ranting.

"How can someone be so cruel to her own son?" Meme exclaims, her hands in fists.

"It's a misunderstanding. She is trying to protect him. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to make her look bad. Even though she has hurt me, she means a lot to me and I know what kind of person she truly is," I reply.

"How are you so nice?" Tesha asks, awe expressed in her words.

"Her mother's a sweetheart. It runs in the blood," Meme concludes, Tesha agreeing.

"Follow your heart."

Faith's words replay in my head as the Cara situation weighs heavily on my shoulders. I then come to a conclusion. I need to tell someone before I burst.

"I have something else to tell you," I sigh, looking at my lap.

"Go on," Meme says, placing her hand on mine in an encouraging and comforting gesture.

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