Chapter Ten- Frappuccino

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{Chapter Ten}- Max's P.O.V:

I get out of my car, my shades providing a shield of protection from the sun for my eyes. I confidently stride into the my father's hotel, Knight's Palace. My father just came back from a business trip in Hong Kong and after not seeing him for almost a month, I'm glad he's back. My father and I are very close. He puts his family as his first priority and even though he isn't home a lot, I know he cares about us. He would call to check on us as often as he could and Skype my mother and I. Unfortunately, he couldn't return straight home after coming from the airport so I decided to visit him instead.

My father didn't hold back when he designed the hotel.  The lobby has a high ceiling with chandeliers, gold decorates the walls in swirls and patterns. The tiled floor shines and cozy sofas stand in the waiting area as a fountain spurts water in the middle of the lobby.  Receptionists stand behind rich, wooden desks and constantly pick up their phones to answer. To sum it all up, the hotel is just majestic and unique. Sure, the others all across the world are too but my father paid special attention to this one. Therefore, it is the most popular, with foreigners coming in everyday.

As I make my way to my father's office, people politely greet me. I enter the elevator and press the top floor. Soft music comes through the speaker in the corner of the elevator as the floor numbers above increase. The elevator opens with a ding and a dark-skinned lady enters the elevator, a cart of cleaning products in front of her. She recognizes me and greets me, getting a greeting in reply. I look at her name tag and see 'Maria Mathews'. The elevator dings again and she exits before the elevator goes to the top floor. I knock on the towering oak door that belongs to my father's office and enter when a gentle voice says 'come in'. My father is a nice and generous person but never someone to mess with.

"Son!" He looks up from his pile of paperwork, reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and beams at me. He gets up from his seat and wraps me in a hug. My father stands at a few inches taller than me with light brown hair and warm hazel eyes. He gives off a welcoming and friendly vibe from the first time you see him.

"Dad." I pat his back. We pull away and sit down in the seating area of his office. His secretary makes us cups of coffee and carefully place them on the coffee table in front of us.

"How's your mother?" my father asks, his eyes shining with adoration.

"She's good and excited for you to come home." I smile.

"How is school?"

"Different." My smile unconsciously widens.

"Really?" My father raises his eyebrows. "How so?"

"No reason..."

"Is it a girl?"

"W-what? No!" I say quickly, slightly flustered.

"Who is she?" My father sits back with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Jade Mathews from my class. She doesn't like me but for some reason it's fun to annoy her," I laugh lightly.

"Sounds like an interesting girl."


"Do you like her?"

"No, not in that way." I shrug.

Just then a light knock sounds on the door. My father gives them permission to come in and the same lady from the elevator pushes the cart into the room.

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