Chapter Twenty-Eight- Café Macchiato

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~Hey, everyone! Firstly, I'll like to thank you for coming back again :D. Secondly, I apologize for the late update.  I'm trying to update at least every weekend but I have been busy and I had major writer's block :'( . However, on the bright side, I'm back and it's about to get spicy.  Sit back, relax and enjoy the drama ;D~

{Chapter Twenty-Eight}

The next afternoon, Meme, Tesha and I enter the mall with our arms linked.  It is finally time to complete mission number one. We waste no time as we head towards the Apple store.  After a few minutes of constant chattering, I see the illuminated sign of the electronic heaven. 

Just as we are a few feet away, a boy suddenly bumps into Meme.  She straightens out her clothes as the stranger apologizes.

"It's-" Meme stops short as she looks up. Her eyes widen with surprise as she looks into the eyes of the stranger. He lets out a chuckle, a broad smile lighting up his face.

"It's interesting how we meet again in the same way," he says.  His statement causes Tesha and I to look at each other confused.

"I know right," Meme replies as her eyes glaze over with a dreamy look, her own bright smile on display.

"Luckily, you don't have a drink this time," he states causing recognition to exist in my being.

Tesha and I look at each other once again with knowing looks. This is the dream boy that Meme was referring to a long time ago. He looks totally different from what I was excepting. His eyes are blue just as Meme described but they are a very pale blue.  His light brown locks curl along his head but not in his face.  Very light freckles sprinkle his nose, standing out on his pale skin.  Not as good looking as Max but he is not bad either.

She drawls,"Yeah, luckily."

"I didn't get introduce myself last time. I'm Isaac." He extends his hand to her.

Meme seems faint as she places her small one in his. "I'm Meme."

"Meme..." Isaac says, testing out her name on his tongue. "I like that."

"Thanks." She looks down in response, blushing.

"Do you mind if I ask you for your number? Maybe we can hangout or talk later." He looks at her hopefully.

Tesha and I pass each other another look with smirks on our faces as we silently watch the exchange. Shocked and flustered, Meme stays frozen for a second before pulling her phone out of her pocket. They exchange numbers and farewells before he walks away.  However, not before sending her one last charming smile.

"Am I dreaming?" she mumbles, still in shock.

"I'm afraid not," I reply, a huge smile on my face.  "My baby girl just got asked for her number."

"Oh my gosh!" Meme finally comes out of her state of shock and squeals.

Tesha and I laugh at Meme's reaction.  

"Alright, alright.  We still have a mission to complete," Tesha says with a swift clap of her hands.

"Let's go," Meme says with a bright smile.

That bright smile didn't come off for the rest of the day.


The rest of the evening flashes pass with Meme and Tesha teaching me how to use my new iPhone 7.  Let's just say they had their work cut out for them.  The silver back of the complex device gleams under the light of my bedroom in all its glory.  Who thought that phones could be so technical with so much different aspects and functions besides sending and receiving calls. 

As fascinating and cool as it is to have updated my access to the world, my heart pounds with uneasiness as its cool body rests in my hand.  The impure purpose and intention of buying this upgrade shakes my core. Do I really have to stoop this low?  Are there really no other options?

I place the device on my desk before covering my face with my hands. It is what she deserves but it feels like I'm going to her level, a low level. Come on, Jade.  Just close your eyes and do it.  It's time for you to stop being the nice person and be bad for once. 

I let out a breathe as I brush the angel off my shoulder and decide to continue with the plan.  I've come too far to give up now. 


Mission #2: Fight fire with fire.

I anxiously stride into the school hallway the next morning as I prepare myself to execute the second mission and most important part of the whole plan.  My heart pounds in my ears with every step closer to the time of execution.  I meet up with Meme and Tesha to go over the plan before I approach the victim of the day, Cara.  She leans against her locker as she chats with a few friends, her smile contrasting with my blank expression.  Her eyes twinkle with curiosity and triumph as she sees me advancing towards her as if to mock me and my defeat.

I take a few more steps before speaking. "Cara, can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure," she replies before saying something to her friends and following me.

She follows me out of the building and onto the field before I stop walking and turn towards her. 

"Let's make this snappy, shall we?" She crosses her arms, looking at me like I'm a waste of her 'precious' time.

"I know that you made a recording," I start by saying.

"Yeah and?" 

"And some of the things that were said never left my mouth," I point out, feeling irritation rest beneath my skin.

"Your point?" Cara picks at her fingers with nonchalance.

"How could you do that? You just ruined your best friend's relationship for your own selfish desires! Do you not feel guilty at all?  Do you not feel bad for hurting Max?" The irritation rises and I feel it forcing itself to the surface.

"Listen here, Jade." She steps closer to me. "I never cared about his feelings.  To me, he was always a way to improve my parent's company that will be passed down to me in the future and were an obstacle blocking my path."

My eyes widen with surprise.  Even though I knew Cara was wicked and sly, I thought she genuinely cared for Max and that's why she was doing this all in the first place.  I never thought she could be so low.  

"How could you be so wicked?" My voice cracks with disbelief. "You are the lowest of the lowest."

"You're acting like that's a bad thing." She smirks.  I feel my hands clench into fists as I try to restrain my anger.  

"You're pathetic," I spit before turning away from her and walking away.  I swiftly and discreetly pull out my phone, saving the recording.  I'm for sure completing this plan and getting Max back.  I won't let her get away with this.  It's time for mission #3.

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