Chapter Eighteen- Frappe

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{Chapter Eighteen}

I sit in the red theater chair, stuffing my mouth with popcorn as the Man of Steel/ Superman flashes across the screen, Batman in tow.

"Superman is the sexiest man I have ever seen with a butt chin," I say, a dreamy edge to my voice.  I sigh as I stare at Superman's abs that show through his suit.

"His eyes.  Oh my gosh, I would drown in those watery depths any day," I shake my head in disbelief at how someone could be so beautiful. 

It's Friday, also the day of Max and I's movie night.  I was able to escape the house after a good few hours of my mother shooting questions at me.  My mother is very overprotective.  She often likes to say: "I didn't buy you in a shop".  Honestly, I don't mind it because it just shows that she cares about us.

Max has an indoor theater and here I was thinking that we would be watching the movie on the couch.  But then again, you never know what to expect with money-loaded (As the bratty auburn from the coffee shop would say.  By the way, I'm still waiting to pull off her weave) people.  We're watching Superman vs. Batman and so far it is really good.  Especially, Superman.  He is real fine.

"You can swim in my chocolaty depths too," Max says.

"Nah, I'll get sticky," I say casually, not taking my eyes off of the screen.  I hear Max huff as I hold back the smile that threatens to appear.

"Nah, I'll get sticky," Max mocks in a high-pitch voice.  Someone's jealous.

"Oh my gosh, I think superman just looked at me," I squeal, just to aggravate Max more. Just as I stuff popcorn in my mouth, the screen turns black and dull lights come on. 

"Hey!  Don't you know that is rude?" I exclaim with a slack jaw.

"Oh, and it isn't rude to be freaking out over a male while you're with your boyfriend?" Max exclaims, irritation and anger clear in his tone. 

"Since when was I officially your girlfriend?  You never asked me to be your girlfriend!" I shout back.

"I thought it was pretty clear you were!"

"You never asked me! Aren't you a bit presumptuous?"

"Will you be my girlfriend, Jade?" Max gets on one knee in the aisle and takes a box out of his pocket.

I gasp as he lifts the lid of the box, exposing couple rings.  One is smaller than the other.  The smaller one is sliver with mint green stones on the top while the bigger one is just silver.  On the inside of the smaller ring "I'm Max's" is carved and in the bigger one "I'm Jade's" is carved.  They are the most beautiful couple rings I have ever seen and must've cost a pretty penny.

"Yes but I can't accept the ring," I shake my head.

"Why not?" Max frowns. 

"It looks expensive."

Max chuckles," I figured you would say that but this ring is important.  It shows Superman and other males that you're taken."


"Please?" Max pulls the puppy eyes on me.  My eyes move between the ring and Max's eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I exclaim as I start to feel myself cave.  Max just continues to give me the puppy eyes. 

"Fine!" I say frustratingly, sticking out my left hand to him.  Max smiles brightly at me.

"I finally know your weakness," Max says as he slips the cold metal onto my middle finger before putting on his.

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