Chapter Eleven- Affogato

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{Chapter Eleven}-Max's P.O.V:

"How do you know my daughter?" Jade's mother narrows her eyes at me.

"I go to the same school," I reply.

"What about her?" she raises an eyebrow.

"Shouldn't you rethink this offer not for yourself but for your family? You are putting them in danger. Even up to a few days ago, Jade fainted because she was working two jobs," I argue.

"What are you talking about?" She looks at me confused, taking a seat again.

"Jade works two jobs because of the debt."

"What? She told me she had exams coming up so she was studying a lot. That's why she was so tired..." Jade's mother refuses to believe me.

"It was an excuse. Take this money and pay off the debt." My eyes search her face.

"What kind of mother am I?" she says under her breath, tugging at the roots of her hair. A calculated look comes over her face and I guess that she is deciding whether to take the money or not.

"I can't pay this back,"she says, biting her lip.

"I'm not asking you to." I give a small smile.

"I can't take it," she finally says, quickly walking out of the cafe before I can stop her.


Maria's P.O.V:

I hang my uniform in my locker and swiftly close it, leaving the locker room.  I quickly exit the hotel, trying to forget the young man's face and the briefcase full of cash.  The fact that I actually considered taking the money scares me.  Surely, I need it but it's all so wrong taking money from someone who hasn't even finished high school.  It terribly embarrassing as well.  The fact that I'm not sufficient enough to pull that kind of money out of my pocket.

Suddenly, a horn blows beside me, scaring me out of my thoughts.  I look beside me to see a sleek, black car.  The window slowly rolls down, revealing the devilish smile of Bruno causing my heart to speed up with anxiety.

"Long time no see!" he exclaims.

"What do you want?" I ask flatly, cutting to the chase.

"I just saw you and thought I should stop by to say hi." He shrugs.

"You have done so, goodbye," I curtly say before resuming my walk to pick up the kids from school.

"You're oldest is growing real fine," Bruno shouts behind me,causing me to halt.

"Don't you dear lay a hand on her, you sick bastard!" I warn, glaring at his unpleasant face.

"Give me my money and I'll have no reason to," he replies, as he throws something out the window, rolls it up and drives off.

I shake it off.  It's probably just an empty threat.  As I'm about to walk away, I notice something in the corner of my eye.  An envelope.  I then remember seeing Bruno throw something out the window.  I pick it up and look for a name to see 'Maria' scrawled on the front.  Slowly opening it, I pull out what looks like a photograph and gasp.  It's a photo of Jade walking out of Coffee Beans.

That is when I realize how dangerous Bruno is or how dangerous he can become.  I need that money.  My child's life is more important than my pride.  I hurriedly wave over an approaching cab and tell him to hit the gas back to Knight's Palace.  I reach the hotel within minutes and pray that the young man didn't leave yet.  Just then, I see him getting in his car near the entrance of the hotel.  I tell the taxi driver to let me off after I pay, hurrying out the cab.  Quickly making it to the expensive red car, my stomach clutching with adrenaline as I knock on the window.  He quickly looks up in surprise and rolls down the window.

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