Chapter Eight- Americano

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{Chapter Eight}- Jade's P.O.V:

I'm tired.

Tired doesn't even describe how I feel. I feel like my eyelids were forced open for thousands of years. I can't stop yawning, I feel like an absolute mess and I can't keep my eyes open for more than five minutes. Working shifts at Coffee Beans until evening, packing bags at the supermarket until the early morning and studying until almost sunrise so I can keep up in class are really taking a toll on me. I barely get four hours of sleep per night and after a few weeks, I feel like I'm going to collapse any minute. My mother has been on my case ever since I had light bags under my eyes that were never there before. My excuse is that exams are coming up causing me to have extra classes and study in the afternoon but I don't know how long she will believe me. As my bags got worse and dark shadows appeared under my eyes, she kept asking if I need help with anything and started getting concerned. She will probably catch on sooner or later but I'll like to hold it out for as long as possible. Pat is also on my case, telling me to tell my mother what is going on but if I do she will definitely make me quit the job. We really need the money. Meme and Tesha tells me the same thing everyday and it's really getting annoying. I understand they are concern but I wish they would just keep out of it so they don't get hurt. Max also sends me concerned and worried looks. He has been faithfully delivering his daily pickup lines which are improving but annoys me as I remember he just wants me to fall for him so he can break my already broken heart.

It's not until now that I realized being well liked can be exhausting. Almost everyone asks me if I'm okay constantly, making me want to pull out my hair. I understand they are genuinely concern but please go on with your life, I have enough questions in brain that I need to think about.

I haven't gotten any more letters and I also didn't get any news from the police. I'm sure they just have no interest in my problem and are ignoring it.

The shrieking bell snaps me out of my doze causing me to jump in surprise, my heart beating rapidly. I rub my eyes and make my way to gym class. Gym class becomes harder and harder to get through every week. No, I don't get hit by balls. No, no one ties my laces so I trip up. No, I'm not everyone's punching bag. I just don't have the energy anymore.

I enter the girl's locker room and sluggishly change into my gym uniform. Thank god, I only have this once a week. A few girls ask if I'm okay to be in class and I reply with a forced smile and a brief nod. Meme nor Tesha has this class with me but Max does, unfortunately. I stagger my way to where the class is on the field, in front of the gym teacher. A yawn escapes my lips as I rub my eyes. I feel Max's eyes on me but I just ignore him.

"Okay class! Today the warm up is one lap around the field and stretches. Then we'll practice some football. Now start! Don't cut the field or you will run five more laps! No walking or stopping!"

A few groans sound before everyone starts to jog on the grass floor. I huff and puff as my legs drag their way across the field. I get half way when I have to stop. I bend over, my hands on my knees as a wave of dizziness comes over me. My vision becomes doubled as my breathes come out as short pants.

"Mathews, no stopping!" my gym teacher shouts.

I force myself to straighten up and to continue running. The dizziness gets worse and a headache pounds against my temples. Nausea settles in my stomach as I take each step. My stomach churns and I fall to the ground. Bile raises in my throat and I throw up on the grass floor before passing out.


The smell of cleaning products fills my nose as I become conscious. My puffy eyes slowly open and I gasp as I notice a person sleeping on the side of the bed I'm lying on in the nurse's office. A hand goes to my chest as I realize it's only Faith. I sit up and smile down at her, pushing a stray curl behind her ear. Even though she is rude and sometimes annoying, she cares a lot about everyone in our family. All of my siblings were affected by my father's departure but I believe Faith, my mother and I were affected the most. I feel more resentment towards my father because I know it wasn't only me who got hurt that day. I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes but I force them down and nudge a sleeping Faith. She groans and slaps away my hand. I poke her constantly until she shoots up in a sitting position on the stool, shooting me a glare.

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