Chapter Six- Cafe Mocha

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{Chapter Six}

"The agreement is to pay a monthly installment until the whole debt is paid," my mother says.

"And a month has gone," Bruno replies coldly.

"Just give us a little more time-" my mother starts to beg.

"Shut up and hand over the money," he hisses.  My mother hastily gets up and pulls out her purse.  She empties it on the table, a few bills falling out but not enough. 

Bruno scowls and slams his hand on the table, saying with a loud voice," What do you take me for? What are these dog scrapes?"

I jump in fear and surprise before trying to come up with a way to find money at this moment.  I then remember the envelope in my bag.  Can I really use it? 

Just then, I see something silver in his pocket and notice that it's a knife. I feel dread shoot through my veins. Well, if we don't want to die, it's the only option we have. 

"Wait! I have the money," I say before quickly walking to my bag.  I take out the envelope, pulling out enough money to pay and leave the rest in my bag.  When I enter the kitchen again, my mother gives me a quizzical look as I give Bruno the money.

The hostile look melts off his face and a smile takes over,"Goodnight ladies, see you next month."

He tips his imaginary hat before exiting the house, his minions following behind.  I breathe out a sigh of relief and sag into the chair by the table.  God knew I needed that envelope. Bless whoever sent it.  I look up to see my mother with a questioning look on her face.

"Explain, now," she demands causing me to instantly spill the beans.

"So you don't know who sent it?" she asks and I shake my head. "That's strange."

"Pat said the same thing."

"Maybe we can take it to the police and see if they can find out where it is from or something."

"Great minds think alike." I wink and my mother lets out a hearty chuckle that holds such warmth.

"You shouldn't have used the money." She frowns.

"Well, I didn't want us to get chopped up." I shrug. "Plus, I didn't use all so when I get paid I can give back the money."

My mother sighs, rubbing her face with her hands and says under her breath for me not to hear,"I feel like I fail being a mother."

"You are the best mother ever. Come on, who can handle seven kids by themselves while tackling debt? You're like...Superwoman." I smile at her reassuringly. My mother smiles tiredly at me before standing up and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Are you hungry?" she asks.

"Starving," I reply.

"Go and change, I will make something for you to eat," my mother states before going to the cabinets that are fuller than they were before. She must have gone shopping today.

"Thanks!" I rush up the stairs but not before seeing the way my mother's shoulders slouch even further than usual as if she is carrying the world on her shoulders. An idea lights up in my mind and I go back down the stairs to pick up Jacob from the living room, placing him on my hip. I then go back up the stairs and softly knock on my siblings' bedroom doors. They all exit, forming a line in the corridor.

"This better be important because Katrina is waiting to get her hair done." Natasha crosses her arms.  Katrina is Natasha's doll.  Natasha has attitude written all over her, she is even worse than Faith.

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