Chapter Fifteen- Vienna

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{Chapter Fifteen}

"So how about you come by my house tomorrow evening so we can start the project?" Max suggests as he props his head up with his hand.

Our amazing teacher decided that the pairs should have the rest of the class to discuss their projects, that's why I have this person beside me.

"Sure," I say nonchalantly as my eyes travel across the instructions sheet. I try to ignore my fast paced heart as I feel his presence beside me. All I want to do right now is run far away from him because I don't think this is healthy.

I feel one of my curls being pulled causing me to look towards Max,"What are you doing?"

"Do you know you're very pretty?" Max asks as he looks into my eyes. I feel my heart skip a beat and unconsciously place my hand above it.

However, I'm able to still give him a smart answer,"I get that a lot."

"Are you okay?" Max asks with a concerned look on his face.

"I don't know...." I drawl. "My heart has been doing weird things recently."

"Weird things?" Max raises an eyebrow," What weird things?"

"It's- Why am I even telling you this?" I ask, talking to myself more than him, my eyes turning away from his face.

"What do you consider me as?" Max asks, all seriousness in his voice.  I look up at him, surprised by the question.

"What do you mean?"

"What am I to you?" he repeats.

"You-" I start but stop short when I realize I haven't really thought about it. What is Max to me? A friend? An acquaintance? A stranger? Someone who just annoys me?

"I-I don't know..." I finally say.  "I haven't really thought about it."

"Well, girlfriend. You don't need to anymore," Max slings an arm over my shoulders.

"Right, friend." I poke him in the ribs with a roll of my eyes causing him to remove his arm.

"I knew you couldn't resist me," he wiggles his eyebrows, a Colgate smile adorning his lips. For some reason, I feel a smile tugging on my lips at the sight of his.

"I think it's the other way around," I smirk.

"Oh, you caught me," Max says, hands up in surrender.

I simply shake my head at him," I think it's time to actually start discussing this project."

"If it has anything to do with you, I'm ready," Max winks.

"Why do I talk to you, again?" I groan quietly.

"Because you love me."

"Keep dreaming, Bug Boy."


The rest of the day flies past faster than I can blink and before I know it, I'm in front of the McKnight's residence. My jaw drops as I look through the bars of the high, iron gate that has letters on top of it, spelling out 'Knight' . A driveway stretches far across the land, leading up to a huge, stone mansion as well trimmed and shaped bushes line the sides of the driveway.  Grey and brown stones adorn the outer walls of the building, big white windows with balconies in front.  Flowers bloom in the mazes that running along the side of the driveway, giving them a majestic and vibrant look. A fountain with a statue of a knight, stands at the end of the driveway before the entrance of the house as pillars and a massive mahogany door completes the homey look. I see Max's familiar, red car parked in front of the house and a few other cars, including a limo.

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