Chapter Twenty-Seven- Iced Coffee

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{Chapter Twenty-Seven}

As I sit in class, thoughts invade my mind to the point that the words of the teacher is like background music and I'm the only one occupying the classroom. Should I go to his competition? What if Ester takes legal action against me? What if I hurt him more from breaking yet another promise? As the thoughts swirl and swirl around my head, I feel further and further away from the answer. I sigh and let my head drop in my hands that rest on the desk.

"Jade? Are you okay?" I hear Meme ask, distantly.

Her voice snaps me back to reality and I look up at her. "What should I do?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I promised Max that I would go to his swimming competition. I don't want to break that promise but I don't want to put my family in trouble." I sigh.

"You can always tell Max about Cara and get back together," Meme suggests.

"You know I can't do that." I rub my face with my palms.

"Oh, but you can."

"Any other ideas?" I roll my eyes.

"How long until Max's competition?" Meme strokes her chin like she has a beard, her face showcasing a contemplative look.

"Hmm, about 6 days," I reply, not sure where she's getting at.

"Well, then Operation Save Jax is in process." She smiles.

"Operation what?" I look at her as if she grew two heads.

"Operation Save Jax." Meme's eye hold a glint of determination. "It's time to catch the criminal."


The bell for the end of school rings before I swiftly pick up my belongings and exit the classroom. Meme, Tesha and I decided to meet up at Meme's house to discuss the plan for Operation Save Jax. Apparently, the aim is to figure out how Cara was able to influence Ester and expose her without getting Max in the mix. Speaking of Max, I really don't want to break this promise but it's out of my control unless this plan works. I don't even know if I should go through with this plan. What if it backfires and the situation just gets worse?

I get so caught up in my thoughts that I run into someone.

"Sorry," I say as I look up. My eyes widen when I realize that that someone is Max.

He simply nods before starting to walk away. However, my hand quickly shoots out and grabs his. He freezes. I feel something cool on his finger causing me to look down at our now locked hands. His couple ring shines in the dim lighting of the hallway causing my body to be filled with a pleasant warmth. Deep down within me, I know. I know I can't break another promise.

This realization causes me to say,"I'll think about it. The swimming competition."

Max looks over his shoulder, shock evident in his irises as he looks at me. After a moment, he finally nods.

And just like that, he is gone like the wind.


I push open the glass door to enter Coffee Beans as arms wrap around my torso. My body freezes in surprise but as soon as the familiar,cozy scent of Pat enters my senses, my body relaxes. I wrap my arms around her as tears slide down my cheeks. She soothingly rubs my back. With Pat, it always felt like I had a second mother and I can't be more grateful to have her.

"Hush, child," she says gently.

"I don't know what to do," I say hoarsely.

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