Chapter Twenty-Two- Doppio

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~I'm very sorry that I have updated in so long and haven't been consistent but I have been very busy studying for exams so I hope you understand.  Thank you for continuing to support this book, I hope you enjoy c:~

{Chapter Twenty-Two}-Max's P.O.V:

A few weeks have passed since my car was taken away. Walking in the scorching sun has become easier and it's nice to see Jade earlier in the morning everyday. My mother hasn't done anything since, so I don't know what to expect next.

Jade still feels guilty for what happened even though I told her it's not her fault. It hurts me to see her feel like that all the time so I need to hurry and figure out what is going on.

I close the front door as I take off my shoes. I walk towards the stairs to go to my room when I hear my mother call my name. I walk into the kitchen where she is sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee.

"What is it?" I ask, keeping my face blank.

"Why haven't you broken up with Jade yet?" my mother asks, not looking up from her cup.

"I don't want to," I answer back curtly.

"And who are you to decide you don't want to?  Do you understand that you can destroy your life by disobeying me?"

My mother now lifts up her head and stares at me with cold eyes.

"I have a right.  I have Human Rights!"

I look at her just as cold.

"I'm your mother! You are suppose to obey me!" my mother exclaims.

"It is not bad to date a good person!" I argue.

" you are a man, now?" my mother now stands from the stool she was sitting on and walks up to me. "Well then live like one.  Live without your credit cards and only five dollars a day, cook your own food, wash your clothes, do everything by yourself!"

I look my mother in her eyes to let her know that I'm not giving up, "Fine."

With that I exit the kitchen and go to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.  I enter my bedroom, dialing my father's number.

After three rings, he picks up,"Hello?"

"Dad you need to stop, Mom," I cut right to the chase.

"Max, just listen to your mother. She knows what's best for you."

My father sighs into the phone.

"Dad, she might hurt Jade!"

"Don't you know your mother? She wouldn't do this without a reason."

"I don't even think I know her anymore."

"Try to understand her, son. She wants to protect you-"

"I thought that at least you would understand," I run a hand through my hair.

"Son, you have your whole life ahead of you. Don't let some girl destroy it."

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