Chapter Nine- Breve

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{Chapter Nine}-Max's P.O.V:

"Anything yet?" I ask Josh on the phone.

"I actually have a whole lot to tell you," he replies smugly. "Jade Rose Mathews. 18 years old. She has six siblings, works at a coffee shop and packs bags at a supermarket on nights just recently. Her father left years ago so it's only her, her mother and her siblings. They have a debt of about $500,000 and only paid off about $50,000. Their debt collector is a loan shark by the name Bruno. Her mother works at a hotel and works overtime often. Jade recently got an unknown envelope with a sum of money which has been reported to the police but ignored. Other than that, there is nothing else to find out about her."

"Thanks Josh, I appreciate it," I say gratefully.

"Anytime, man," he replied before hanging up.

I pace the room, biting my lip as I take in all the new information. I guess that answers my questions. She works two jobs and still has to keep up with school. 

After I went to notify Jade's sister about Jade fainting, I returned and waited outside the nurse's office.  I couldn't bring myself to go inside but I couldn't leave either.  I decided to sit outside the door until Jade woke up.  A few hours or so later, Jade's friends came and that's when the quarrel started.  Imcould hear their exchanged words as clear as day from the other side of the door.  I learnt that Jade didn't tell her family about one of her jobs.  The reason why she has to work is because of her family's debt. On top of that, the police is ignoring her requests.  I need to help her because clearly her lifestyle is becoming unhealthy.

Without thinking, I pick up the phone again and dial the police station's number. 

A bored voice comes through the speaker after a few rings. "This is the police station,what can I help you with?"

With pride and authority in my voice, I answer," This is Max McKnight, the son of John McKnight."

Instantly I hear movement, like the person is sitting up from the other side of the line.  The officer asks with full awareness," What can I help you with, sir?"

"I'm sure a case regarding a girl receiving money from an unknown source came in a few weeks ago.  I would like you to hand that case over to another serious officer as an important case and what is your full name?" I ask, clicking my tongue on the roof of my mouth.

"Paul Johnson, sir."

"Right.  Are you the person dealing with the case?"

"Yes, sir."

"Paul Johnson, please pack your belongings because you will be fired early tomorrow."

"What-" Alarm echoes in the officer's voice before I hang up.  Well, that's what you get for messing with Jade.  I smirk as I dial the head of the police station to execute my promise.


Jade's P.O.V:

Faith kept her promise and instead told Pat , knowing that I will have to quit my job. I decided to quit my job at the supermarket a few days ago for the following reasons:

1.) Coffee Beans pays more.

2.) Packing bags is boring.

3.) I love making coffee and it has become a part of me.

4.) I can't leave Pat.

I can feel the difference in my body already.  I am not as tired as before, I get at least six hours sleep minimum per day and I don't feel guilt for lying to my mother anymore.  Pat was overjoyed to see me back and Meme and Tesha are off my case.  Nothing changed with Max, of course.  He is still the same: annoying, flirtatious and shooting Colgate ads.  The only thing that probably changed is the fact that his pickup lines aren't as bad anymore.  It went from 'My love for you is like diarrhea.  I just can't hold it in' to 'Was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world?' so that's a major improvement.  I haven't gotten any news from the police yet though. 

The house phone rings as I munch on an apple in the living room, interrupting SpongeBob on our small television. 

"I'll get it," I absentmindedly say as my eyes stay fixed on the tv. 

My hand feels for the phone beside me before I pick it up and I answer,"Hello?"

"Hello, Ms. Mathews," a deep voice says. "This is Officer Corbin.  I called you because I need to you to come to the station.  I have news for you."

"Yes, sir." My eyes widen slightly.  I hang up and quickly go to the kitchen where my mother is cooking dinner.

"Mum, the police just called. The officer wants us to come to the station," I say eagerly. 

My mother stops stirring whatever she is making and turns to me. "Oh, that's great!  We can hopefully go after dinner."


Dinner passes and Pat comes over before we head to the station.  The same shiver goes down my spine again as I see the scene in front of me.  I notice that the officer who I had dealt with last time is not there in the small police station but I shake it off.  We quickly make it to the officer's desk that reads Officer Corbin.

"Good evening, officer," My mother says politely.

"Ms. Mathews?" the greying officer asks.


"Hello, I'm Officer Corbin.  We investigated the source of the envelope that was brought to the station a few weeks ago.  The envelope was delivered from the Child Care Office, where donations are sent to families or orphans who need financial help.  Someone came by and specifically donated to your family.  You can follow this address to the office to obtain further information." The officer hands my mother a strip of paper.  We say goodbye before exiting the station.  We start our journey home, waiting at the bus stop for the bus to come.

"You can go to the place tomorrow but I won't be able to go because of work.  Are you okay with going by yourself?" my mother asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I give her a small smile.  Tomorrow is Saturday and probably is the best day to go since I don't have any shifts.

Just then, the bus pulls up on the curb and we file in.


I enter the fairly small building the next day.  The white walls are decorated with images of smiling student receiving scholarships and donations.  I walk up to the receptionist's desk. 

"Hello, how may I help you today?" the woman behind the desk asks politely.

"Hi, I'm Jade Mathews and I was wondering if I could meet my donator?" I reply.

"Hold on one minute," she says before typing on the wide computer. 

A few seconds later, she looks back up at me. "I'm sorry, Ms.Mathews.  Your donator requested to stay anonymous."

"Well, can I at least return the money?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Okay, thank you," I sigh and exit the building.  Who could the person be?

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