Chapter Twelve- Short Black

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{Chapter Twelve}

My jaw slackens a little as I take in Max's puffy eyes, frown and disheveled hair. From the looks of it, he just rolled out of bed and isn't a morning person. For a moment neither of us speak and I can feel Pat's questioning gaze directed to the side of my face.

I clear my throat before asking,"W-what can I get you?"

"A French Vanilla to go," Max replies in a gruff and husky tone.  His tone of voice surprises me but I shake it off and make his coffee. 

"Here you go, have a nice day," I say as I hand him the coffee.  He grunts in response and leaves the coffee shop.

Ok, he is seriously not a morning person.  He doesn't even seem like the Max I know, who smiles almost all the time.

"Is that the boy who caught you?" Pat whispers next to my ear causing me to jump in surprise.

"Y-yeah," I stutter out.

"Well, he didn't seem very nice," Pat huffs.

"He isn't usually like that.  He's cheesy, annoying and flirtatious," I say as I wipe the tables that are empty. 

"Do you like him?" Pat asks with a smile.

"What? No!" I exclaim, looking at her as if she's crazy.

"I mean he's nice looking but too young for me," she says thoughtfully.

"It's a good thing your husband isn't here, he'd be terribly jealous." I give her a pointed look.

"Child, relax.  I'm just joking," she chuckles lightly. 

"I strangely miss him being around," I say softly but loud enough for Pat to hear. 

"The Bug Boy?"

"Yeah..." I nod, putting down the cleaning rage and leaning against the table. "It feels weird going on with the day without his cheesy pickup lines. It's my fault anyways, I told him to leave me alone."

"I knew that I had charm but dang I didn't know I could beat Prince Charming at his own game." I hear a voice say. I turn towards it to see Max leaning on the door, flashing a smile.  I roll my eyes at his comment after I recover from shock but I feel the corners of my lips twitch. 

"So now, you're talking to me?" I cross my arms and walk closer to him so we don't interrupt the customers.

"Woah, woah, woah. I think you got it all mixed up." Max holds up his hands as if in surrender. "You told me leave you alone and when a lady tells you something, you do."

"I like him." I hear Pat say in the background.   Max winks at her over my shoulder and I roll my eyes.  Typical Max.

"Something in your eye, dear?" Pat responds.

"Only you." Max smiles playfully.

"I'm too old for you and taken.  However,  Jade is all yours." I turn towards her on hearing that and pass her a hurt look.

"Did you just sell me to...him?" I ask dramatically.

"You know you want me." Max winks at me.

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