Chapter Five- Espresso

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{Chapter Five}

I hear Meme gasp beside me as I gape at the money in the envelope. Why in the world would someone give me money? I turn my head to look at Meme and see that her expression mirrors mine of shock. I hastily shut the envelope and cram it into my bag. My eyes travel across the length of the hallway, trying to spot the President. However, her blonde hair is unseen in the large sea of bodies. I need to return this, probably the person who delivered it had the wrong person.

"Who do you think it could have been?" Meme asks.

"I don't know," I drawl, racking my brain for who it could possibly be but I draw a blank.

"This is giving me goosebumps," she says with a shiver. "Maybe if you take it to the police they may be able to trace it back to the person."

"That's actually a good idea, I guess you are useful," I joke with a smirk, trying to erase the tense haze that starts to surround us.

Meme snorts unattractively."Look who's talking."

"You know I'm just joking with you." I gently nudge her shoulder with mine, smiling brightly.  Meme simply rolls her eyes before returning the smile as we head to the cafeteria.


"At least eat the lettuce!" I demand as Meme continues to fling the vegetables from her salad onto my plate.

"Ew." Meme scrunches up her nose in disgust.

"What is the sense in ordering a salad on the side if you aren't going to eat it?" I huff.

"Maybe one day my hormones will do some weird thing to my body and make me like vegetables." She shrugs as she continues to fling the vegetables.

"Why am I friends with you again?"

"I wonder the same thing everyday."

I look around the cafeteria, zoning out of Meme's rant about how much she hates vegetables, and spot a boy with glasses that have the broken handles taped back on and dingy clothes like mine sitting at a table by himself.  I notice his eyes looking at people's lunch and the hand that discreetly rubs his stomach. I wrap the other half of my sandwich in a napkin and start to walk towards his table. 

"Jade, where are you going?" Meme asks loudly as I get closer to the table.  The boy looks up at me confused as I stand in front of him.   I stretch out my hand, motioning for him to take the half of sandwich.

"I hope you like ham and cheese." I smile.

"You are giving that to me?" He points to himself in shock.  I nod.

"I can't take it." He shakes his head sadly.

"Don't worry about it.  Just take it." I take his hand in mine and place the sandwich in it, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you," he says gratefully before I give him one more smile and walk back to my table.  I feel a certain person's eyes on me but I ignore his gaze.

As I sit down, Meme smiles at me shaking her head. "And Nice Jade strikes again."


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