Chapter Twenty-One- Bicerin

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{Chapter Twenty-One}

I close the door of the staff room behind me and slide to the ground. I cover my face with my hands before running my hands through my kinky curls, lightly tugging at the roots. I feel tears tumble down my face as my chest tightens.

This wouldn't have hurt so much if I wasn't close to Ester. I still can't believe she could be like this.  It's like I never knew Ester.

I hear the door of the room open but I don't look back as I let the tears stream down my face. The familiar scent of hot chocolate and coffee hits my nose causing me to look up in surprise. His hair is tousled like he has running his hand through it multiple times and his face tightens in pain and worry as his eyes take in my red ones and wet cheeks.

"What are you doing here?" I wipe my tears and stand up, trying to force a smile.

"Drop the act, Mathews," Max says before wrapping me in his warm embrace.

I instantly wrap my arms around his torso, welcoming the warmth as I press my face into his chest. He strokes my hair as sobs rack through my body, wetting his shirt with my tears.

"I'm sorry, Jade," Max says with so much guilt and sadness in his voice that I feel my heart break.

"It's not your fault," I reply hoarsely, tightening my hold.

He pulls away from the embrace far enough to see my face and reaches up a hand to wipe away my tears.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have a project?" I ask.

"Pat told me what happened and you are more important than a project."

"Did Pat do anything to your mother?" I ask with concern dripping in my tone. Even though Ester hurts me, I know it has to be for a reason.

"Well beside pulling her hair, not much," Max says nonchalantly.

"How can you say it so indifferently? She is your mother, Max. She's is just trying to protect you."

"I know but I don't understand why she is acting this way," Max runs a hand through his hair.

I pat Max's cheek affectionately,"Let's get so coffee, hm?"

He smiles at me softly as he brushes a curl behind my ear,"Definitely."


I let out a long breath as I walk down the pavement towards the bus stop with Faith so we can get to school.

"Mum looked quite angry this morning," Faith raises an eyebrow at me. My mother practically went ballistic when she heard about the contract that was presented by Ester. It was quite difficult to prevent her from marching down to the McKnight's residence.

"It's nothing," I answer quietly.

"I know what is going on, I'm not deaf," Faith rolls her eyes before look at me with concern. "Maybe you and Max should take a break or something to sort out the misunderstanding. You'll get hurt if she continues like this, Jade."

"I'm fine," I give her a weak smile, still drained from yesterday's occurrence.

"Just be careful. Maybe it's just not meant to be," Faith says but the last sentence comes out with uncertainty.

"Why do you sound so unsure about it not being meant to be?" I take my turn in raising an eyebrow at her.

"I just feel like it will turn out well but just please be careful," Faith pleads. I nod my head to reassure her but I am not even sure how careful I can possibly be.

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