Chapter Twenty-Six- Caffè Corretto

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{Chapter Twenty-Six}

I run and run until I arrive at the building.  I lean against the wall of it for support as I take short breaths in and out, tears rolling down my cheeks in a flood.  The rain pours down on me as my legs give out causing me to fall to the ground in agony.  When I entered this relationship, I was hoping to have a happy ending like those in fairytales but I guess it's true what they say.  Life isn't a fairytale. 

However, what is strange is that even though I went through so much, I don't regret any of it.  Even though I was hurt, I blame no one for my pain.  Knowing Ester's intentions, I forgive her.  Knowing that Max would never intentionally hurt me and truly cares about me, I feel blessed to even have this experience with him.  I just hope that going through this last set of pain is worth it and that we'll all find happiness again. 

I pull my knees to my chest and bury my face in my knees as my body shakes from the sobs racking through my body, not caring that my clothes are getting soaked or dirtied.  All that clouds my mind is the fact that I will have to pass Max in the halls or on the street and not interact with him.  I don't even want to imagine how painful it will be. 

Love surely does make you sacrifice a lot.


Max P.O.V:

As I watch Jade get smaller and smaller as the distance between us increases, I feel my heart leave with her.  The one girl that made my heart flutter and made my stomach feel strange just left my life because I couldn't protect her.  She left because I couldn't take away her pain.  She left because I couldn't give her the fairytale she longed for. 

As I watch her leave, she holds my heart in her hand.  My heart will always long to make her laugh and for her rough yet tender ways of showing her love and affection for me. 

As I watch her back get smaller and smaller, tears of pure sadness stream down my cheeks.  My soul feels like it has been drained of its light.  However, I don't chase after my heart or my soul's light.  Instead, I let her go with them because the only thing that matters is that she will finally be happy and free from the pain she encountered from being entangled with me. 


Jade's P.O.V:

I push open the front door of the house, my clothes wet and dirty.  My hair sticks to my face and my eyes are bloodshot.  As I close the door, my mother comes from the living room.  She stops immediately when she spots me, her eyes traveling over my appearance. 


My lips shake as more tears fall from my eyes.

"What happened?"

Worry shines in her eyes as she comes closer to me.

"I had to let him go," I barely get the words out, my bag dropping onto the ground from my shoulder.

"Oh, Jade."

The worry is replaced with sadness as she pulls me into her body, wrapping her arms around me.

"I had to let him go," I sob as I hug her tightly, my legs wanting to go weak as my heart breaks all over again. 

My mother soothingly strokes my hair. "It's going to be okay. Everything will work out."

As sobs continue to leave my mouth, I bury my face in my mother's shoulder.  Even though, I had to let go of Max,in this moment it feels like I did the right thing. Family should always come first, no matter what.

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