Epilogue- Coffee Stains

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As the music from the piano begins to play, everyone's heads turn to the back of the church hall. The train of the traditional, white dress sweeps the floor as I stand with a watery smile. The ceremony just started and tears already want to escape my eyes.

The heels of the sparkling shoes tap against the white carpet covering the aisle as they step closer to the groom of the day. With the sense of purity from the white decorations as the flower petals are thrown by Natasha and Natalia and the melodic sound of the piano, everything seems majestic and beautiful.

A tear falls down my cheek causing Faith gives my hand a gently squeeze. I look up at her as she gives me a tender smile which I return. I look over at Max on the other side of the aisle as he stands in his black tuxedo -looking as handsome as ever, may I say- with his hair perfectly groomed. Even now, he doesn't fail to make my heart race.

I turn my gaze back on my mother as she gracefully glides down the aisle to her awaiting groom. She removes a hand from the bouquet of white and lilac flowers to place it into in my father's and steps up beside him.  As the ceremony proceeds, I can't help but shed a few tears. My parents decided to renew their vows and even though it's disgusting to watch your parents smooch, it's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.  I don't think my mother has ever smiled so big.

I have realized that you don't know the full extent of happiness until you have met your other half and experienced it. I've learnt that with that happiness comes pain but the pain is worth it. Now, I believe that love is the most powerful and exquisite that you will ever encounter in your lifetime.

Love makes the world go around. Love makes people change. Love makes people happy. Love makes people realize how precious life is and makes them grab onto it, afraid that it will slip through their fingers because they don't want to escape it.  Love makes people stronger through the pain that comes with it. Love makes people better. Love makes the bad, good.

This whole experience has taught me that love doesn't only exist in romantic relationships. Love is everywhere, in your family and in your friends. Love isn't only liking someone or having romantic feelings. It's compassion. It's caring.

Love is deciding that sacrificing and fighting for that person is worth it.


"Now, the bride will be throwing her bouquet," the announcer says through the mic.

I watch from the table as women gather behind my mother with hopeful looks in their eyes in front the stage. Anxiety buzzes in the air as my mother prepares to throw the arrangement of flowers into the eager crowd. Mirth sparkles in my eyes as she teases the crowd by pretending to throw it.

"You surely take after your mother," Max chuckles.

"Proudly." I wink.

As I turn my head back to the scene, my mother releases her hold on the flowers causing them to fly through the air. My eyes follow it as it passes over the group of awaiting women. I watch with wide eyes as the bouquet approaches me. My mouth falls open as it drops in my lap with a soft thud. Unbelievable. I look up at my mother in shock as she smiles at me. My eyes flicker to Ester who is giggling at her table and then Max who is winks at me.

"Ready to get married Jade?" he teases.

I recover from my shock, a smirk pulling at my lips. "Sure, I wonder who I will be marrying to. I mean Jason from school is awfully handsome but then Mark isn't bad either."

Max's smug smirk falters causing my own to widen. "Throw back the bouquet."

"Why?" I raise an eyebrow. Max rises from his seat and stands in front of me, trying to tug the bouquet out of my hands.

"What are you doing? Let go, you're going to destroy the flowers!" I exclaim as Max continues to tug at the flowers.

"You're only going to marry me!" he responds.

"Is someone jealous?" I laugh as I smack his hands away before pinching his cheeks. "Max-y poo is jealous."

He swats my hand away gently with a pout. "Watch it, Cat woman."

I chuckle before pulling my lips into a gentle smile full of promise,"Don't worry, I don't plan to let you go any time soon."


A few years later:

Max's P.O.V:

And that she did.  She didn't let go. 

I tighten my grip around her waist, pulling her closer to my body as we sway to the music.  These years just made her more beautiful than before, if that is even possible.  Her features that I have come to love became more defined and more marvelous.  Her curls pulled slick into a bun at the back of her head made her look sophisticated.  Her shapely figure and strong, confident aura made everyone turn heads when she walked in the room.  Her dark -still fascinating-eyes hold wisdom and knowledge.  To be able to put a diamond ring on her finger and call her my wife is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"Honey, I know that I am easy on the eyes but you don't have to make it so obvious." A silky, goosebumps-inducing laugh leaves her lips causing her eyes to light up like New York at night.

"I think you underestimate how easy on the eyes you are," I say as I bring up a hand to caress her smooth cheek.

"Is that so?" she smiles.

"Mhmm," I mumble before moving my hand from her cheek to the back of her neck and gently pulling her face closer to mine.  I feel my heart beat faster and my stomach stir as her warm breath fans my face.  Warmth and tingles fill my whole body as her lips connect with mine. 

She never ceases to drive me crazy.


Jade's P.O.V:

If someone told me a few years that I would be called Jade McKnight today, I would laugh in their face.  Maybe even roll on the ground.  But yet, here I am, in the arms of someone I never thought I would allow in my heart.  Someone that I never thought I would love.  And as my toes curl and butterflies flutter in my stomach, I couldn't be happier.  I shall never regret fighting for love because if I didn't, I think I would have regret that for life.


Max's P.O.V:

"I guess it really was her." A familiar voice says behind me. 

I look over my shoulder with a big smile. "It really was her."

Mike smiles at me. "You found  her."

I nod as my gaze falls on Jade who I was staring at a few seconds ago, still not being able to believe that such a beautiful woman is mine. "I found my soulmate."

I found her indeed.

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