Chapter Seventeen- Mazagran

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~Special shoutout to my friend Jadeeboo258 for helping me with my grammatical mistakes! :D~

{Chapter Seventeen}- Max's P.O.V:

This month of not getting to annoy Jade or see her smile up close has been torture. My feet literally twitched with desire to walk over to her. In the cafeteria, I saw her staring at me causing it to become hard to breathe and the desire to go over to her filled me at a whole new level. That's when I knew I couldn't do it anymore so that's how I ended up with her sobbing in my arms.

I pull her closer as her hands grab onto fistfuls of my shirt, her shoulders shaking. The sound of her cries tears my heart apart.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask gently like she's fragile and would break under the volume of my voice.

She shakes her head before pulling away, wiping her cheeks.

"Maybe another time."

"Sure," I smile assuringly, getting a small smile in return. "So what's your favorite colour?"

"Seriously?" Jade chuckles. "No other question you could have started off with?"

"Come on, answer it," I chuckle.

"Mint green," she finally says. "Yours?"

"Red," I state , sitting at the bottom of the tree before patting the space beside me. Jade sits down at my motion.

"What is your favorite food?" she asks.

"Pizza. Yours?"

"Ice cream."

"Ice cream is not a food."

"Then what is it?"

"A dessert."

"What's the difference?" Jade looks at me like I'm an airhead.

"The difference is the difference," I huff.

"Desserts are under the category of food! You eat it!"

"No, you lick it." I wave my finger at her in a negative gesture.

"Are you an imbecile or just acting like one?" she says loudly, frustrated. I laugh and finally she realizes what I was doing.

"You are jerk! You did that on purpose!" she scowls, hitting me on arm before she starts to laugh as well.

We continue to exchange questions for the rest of lunch. When the bell rings, we get up from the ground and start to walk back to the building.

"So my place for a movie night on Friday?" Max asks, placing his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him.

"I'll have to ask my mother," I state.

"Okay," he replies as he pushes open the door of school. Everyone in the hallway getting their books, turn to look at us or more precisely the hand on my shoulders. Whispers pass around the hallway as Max and I walk down it. I feel my cheeks get hot at all the attention. I see Meme and Tesha with goofy smiles and mouthing call me later.

"This is creepy," I whisper to Max.

"What is?" he looks down at me.

"Everyone is staring."

"You know practically everyone in the school," Max looks at me, amused.

"That's not the point," I scowl at him.

"Oh, come on.  Loosen up, Cat woman," he pokes my cheek.

"Stop using my words," I playfully glare at him before poking him in his stomach.

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