Same Seven Letters

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"Can I get one bar of sea salt ice cream?" the sad brunette said, leaning on the ice cream stand. The silverette opened the lift and pulled out a bar, handing it to him. "What's a nice guy like you doing out here on the beach all alone at night?" Riku asked curiously. "Just came for a walk." the brunette said, taking the bar from his hand. "How much?" the brunette asked. "A stroll on the beach and a talk with me." Riku grinned. The brunette sighed "look I just got out of a relationship and..." Riku poked his head up "You just assume I'm gay? Jeez talk about a person with high self-esteem." Riku smiled more. The brunette smiled sadly. "Alright then, let's walk." Riku put a 'closed' sign on the stand and walked next the brunette and started walking in the sand. The brunette trudged over to the silverette and walked at his pace. "So? What happened in your relationship?" Riku asked. "Well considering I don't even know your name, why would I tell you my relationship problems?" the brunette asked, letting his toes dig in the sand. "My name's Riku, now will you tell me?" Riku asked. "Not till you pry my name out my mouth" the brunette said, holding his hands behind his back. "How do you expect me to do that?" Riku asked. The brunette shrugged, closing his eyes. The brunette pulled the wrapper off the bar and started licking at it quietly. Riku pulled out a small coin from his pocket. "If I win, you tell me your name. If you win, you don't have to and we can part ways if you wish." Riku said. "Fine, I pick heads." the brunette spoke. Riku flipped the coin and he caught it. He flipped it over and looked at the coin, smiled. "Tails." Riku said. The brunette groaned "best two outta three." the brunette said. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you could just change the rules as you please." Riku said, smirking. The brunette huffed. "It's Sora." Sora said, crossing his arms. "Sora? Sounds like your parents wanted a girl named sky and they went with the next best thing when they found out they'd be getting a boy." Riku commented "Riku do you have a sarcastic comment for everything I say?!" Sora yelled out, clearly pissed. "Well recent studies show that you're more likely to get pissy about things right now, I have just confirmed this behavior." Riku said, pretending to be an Australian in the wild on tv. Sora huffed again "If you're just gonna tease me then leave me alone." Sora said, crossing his arms. "Well I want to actually help you with your relationship problems, so spill." Riku said. Sora took a bite into his bar as it dripped on his hand. "It's melting." Riku pointed out, pointing to his hand. "Well why don't you clean it up then, Mr. Ice cream seller." Sora said. Riku pulled a napkin out his pocket and handed it to Sora, Sora took it and wrapped it around the stick of the bar, taking another large bite. "Now, what happened?" Riku asked, sitting on the sand. Sora sat down next to him. "Well  my girlfriend broke up with me, literally right before I got ice cream from you, so it's kinda a fresh wound." Sora said, taking a final bite. "Why'd she leave you?" Riku asked. "Because she got jealous of everyone looking at me..." Sora sighed and went to throw his stick in the ocean but Riku grabbed his wrist. "Don't litter." "You don't understand! I loved her and she left me..." Sora put the stick down and nestled his head in his knees. "If she left you, then she needs to open her eyes because if people were looking at you they obviously thought you were a good lover and she didn't see that." Riku said, leaning back against his hands. "Well aren't you optimistic? Either way it still hurts." Sora said, the wind blowing through his spikes casually. "Who was your girlfriend?" Riku asked. "Why? You wanna go out with her?" Sora asked, oddly jealous still. "Not in a million years if she did that to someone like you." "Someone like me?" Sora asked. "Someone who doesn't deserve it." "How do you know I don't deserve it? You don't even know me." "I know enough about you to know you don't deserve that." Riku said, placing his hand on top of Sora's head, the spikes literally making him wince in pain. "No one deserves that." Riku murmured. "Riku I gotta be heading home." Sora said, but not even moving Riku's hand. "Well, can I get your number then?" Riku asked. "I'm sorry I'm not into guys." Sora admitted quietly. Riku raised an eyebrow. Sora stayed quiet for a minute then dug his hands into his pockets. "Okay I'm bi but I'm really straight, I'm just a little bi!" Riku raised his eyebrow more as Sora stood up, flustered. "W-Whatever, I gotta go.." Sora said, leaving the stick on the ground. Riku shot up and grabbed Sora's wrist and kissed him suddenly, Sora's eyes widening. Riku pulled away and looked at him with a straight face. "You forget your stick." and with that, the silverette let go, and walked away from Sora. Sora bent down and grabbed the stick, numbers were written on it.

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