Welcome Home?

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Sora grabbed his bags and slung them on his shoulders. "I'm ready." Sora said and Riku frowned. "You sure you have to go?" Riku asked quietly. "My parents are gonna be really worried, trust me I don't want to go." sora frowned and Riku kissed the top of sora's head. "you're so short." Riku said and sora slow motioned, softly, punched Riku in the jaw. Riku wrapped his arms around sora's waist and held him close. "Riku I have to goooooo." sora whined, pulling at riku's embrace. "No you don't." Riku said, kissing the back of sora's neck. "Let gooooooo." Sora pulls at Riku's arms, then Riku lets go of sora, causing sora to fall to the floor. "Ow, asshole." Sora kicked lightly kicked riku's leg. "Love you too." Riku said, moving his leg back. Sora stands up and hugs Riku, and Riku hugs back. "love you." Sora kisses riku's cheek and turns around, opening the door and stepping out, then closing it. "Shit I don't have a car to drive." Sora says, then heads back to the door and opens it. "Riiiiiiiiku." Sora kept his head in the door and whined for Riku like a puppy that just got locked in a room. "I'll get the car keys." Riku says and goes over to the kitchen. "Thank you." Sora calls out. "Welcome!" Riku calls out from the kitchen. He steps out out the kitchen with car keys in hand, walking over to the door. He waves his hand for Sora to move out the doorway and Sora steps outside, Riku following behind. He closes the door and heads toward his car, Sora running over towards the car and obnoxiously pulling at the door handle till Riku unlocked it. He open the door and jumped in the front seat, propping his feet up near the windshield. Riku closed sora's car door and then walked over to his side and jumped in, closing his door. "Next stop, el casa de Sora's house." Riku said, putting the keys in and starting the car. "And points off." Sora said. "What?" Riku asked. "If you were taking your driving test, you'd get points off for no seatbelt." Sora continued, but this time in an overly high pitched obnoxious voice. "Safety first." "Oh whatever you don't have yours on either." "I'm not the one driving. Plus I'd blame it on you if I get injured in a crash." "Love you too Sora." Riku said, putting his seatbelt on. "See, I'm keeping you safe." Sora says happily. Riku backs out of the driveway, then heads down the road. "You sure you wanna go back? I mean, last time-" "Everything's alright by now, or at least, it should be anyway." Sora interrupted Riku. "You know it's just because I care, right?" Riku asked and Sora smiled. "I understand, but I'm a grown man, I can handle myself." Sora said. "You're more like a man child." Riku teased. "And you're more like an asshole." Sora said. "Well I've
seen yours so." Sora stayed quiet for a minute, then hit Riku in the arm. "RIKU" Sora yelled out, his face red. Riku busted out into laughter nearly crashing the car from closing his eyes while laughing. "I'm driving next time!" Sora yelled out as Riku got a firm grip on the steering yell. "Oops." Riku said. "What oops?" Sora asked. "We just passed your house, like, ten minutes ago."  "Next time I'm driving." Sora said again as Riku parked into a random person's driveway then backed out, then headed back the other way. "Riku?" Sora asked. "Yeah?" Riku responded. "Thanks for bringing me home, I really appreciate it." Sora said. Riku took one of his hands off the steering wheel and grabbed sora's hand. "There's no need to thank me, you know I care." Riku said, squeezing sora's hand some. "I know you do." Sora said. "I just don't want you to go home and the house is still in a hellish rage when you get there and then I found out you're passed out at some stranger's house again." Riku said quietly. "I know, listen if I don't text you in twenty minutes of arrival, you can storm into the house and save the day." Sora said, stroking riku's hand softly. Riku raised up sora's hand and kissed it softly. "No homo." Sora said and Riku smiled. "All the homo." Riku said. "My house is right there Riku, don't pass it up." Sora teased. "Oh what, sorry I didn't hear you." Riku passed by sora's house again. "You know, you're a dick sometimes, you know that?" Sora asked as Riku stopped the car, close to the next house. "I know." Riku said and reached his arm over and opened sora's door. "See ya Riku." Sora waved to him, grabbed his things, and hopped out.

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