Interuptions and Chill

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Well Sora didn't go to school today, at all. When Sora woke up Riku was gone, out the bed. Nonexistent in this house. That mixed with the conversation last night, his mother didn't dare touch him. It was around...4:00 when he heard a bang from the front door. couldn't the world just go away he has a cr-I mean friend to mope over. Next thing he knew Ventus was busting open Sora's bedroom door with ice cream ingredients. "Sora, we're making sea salt ice cream." Ventus said, Sora didn't even budge. "Sora." Nothing. Ventus grabbed Sora's wrist and Sora did a low, animalistic growl. What the actual fuck, but that didn't scare Ventus. Ventus yanked Sora out the bed and Sora fell to the floor with a thud. Sora groaned and crawled up to the bed but Ventus grabbed his waist and dragged him to the kitchen. Sora sat on the ground like a rag doll leaning against the counter doors so he doesn't fall. Ventus sighed "I have a surprise for you." Ventus said. Sora stayed quiet, the only thing that confirmed that Sora was alive was his breathing. "Riku!" Sora lifted his head up to see Riku waltz into the room. Sora huffed and stood up. "What do we do first?" Sora asked. "Alright! Riku go get two bowls!" Riku shuffled his feet and grabbed two glass bowls and set them down on the counter. "Alright, Sora to get two eggs." Sora shuffled and grabbed two eggs, setting them down. "Alright, first, we separate the Eggs from the yolk." Sora went to grab the eggs and he cracked them, but yolks aren't friendly. "SHIT THR YOLK IS SPILLING!" Sora yelled, his mood suddenly changing as he laughed to throw the yolk in the next bowl and he did it again. "Next we mix the sugar in the yolks and stir." Sora went to pour the sugar into the egg whites. "SORA THATS NOT THE YOLKS!" Ventus yelled out but some sugar was already in. The three of them were laughing, it's like all their troubles just melted away. So after they got new egg whites and Riku poured in the sugar. They let Sora stir the yolks with the sugar. "It's like sugar mixed with egg yolks!" Sora yelled out, stirring the mixture. "IT IS SUGAR MIXED WITH EGG YOLKS!" Ventus and Riku yelled out, laughing. So as they made their ice cream, the three bonded over Sora's stupidity. So as they waited for the ice cream to freeze they sat around the couch and just talking. Ventus took a swig of water then put it down. "So, you two" Ventus said, Sora knew where this was going, and he immediately threw a blanket over himself. "Something tells me something happened..." Ventus murmured. Riku shrugged at Ventus and stood up then sitting down next to Sora and rubbing his back under the blankets. "Why are you angry at me?" Riku asked, rubbing his back in circles. Sora grunted angrily and kicked at Riku, causing Riku to grunt in pain but still rubbing his back. "Sora you gotta cooperate with Riku you know." Ventus said, peering over to see the two. Sora hissed under the blankets. Riku bent down and lifted some of the blanket off of Sora which caused Sora to growl and expose teeth. "Sora you're not an animal" Ventus said from afar. Riku ran his hands through Sora's hair. "you just left me last night. you left me and I didn't see you when I woke up this morning." Sora murmured. "I'm sorry Sora, I just didn't want your mom to catch me here and yell at you." Riku said. Sora grunted. "Sora you know I wouldn't just leave and forget." Riku said in a low tone. Ventus stared at the two obvious 'hidden' love birds with sadness because DAMN IT VENTUS HAS BEEN LONELY FOR SO LONG HES SO DESPERATE HES PROBABLY GONNA GET HERPES FROM KISSING TOO MANY FROGS! "you might as well..." Sora murmured under the blankets. Riku glanced at Ventus to basically say 'get lost' so Ventus went to the kitchen to literally watch ice cream freeze, least Lilith kept him company. Riku pulled off Sora's blanket and Sora sat up, leaning his head on Riku's chest and closing his eyes. Riku wrapped his arms around Sora and cradled him in his arms. "why do you make my heart flutter?" Sora whispered. "You're in love Sora." Riku said, rocking Sora from side to side. Sora stayed silent, he didn't want to admit that he fell in love with a boy, no, he didn't fall in love with a boy! He's not in love! Never! Sora looked up at Riku and inched his face close to Riku's. "SORA IM HOME!" Sora's mom busted through the door and Riku and Sora pushed each other off, just chilling on the couch.

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