Who is that?!

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"Sora you cannot borrow the car right now, your father needs it to go to a golf tournament with his friends." Sora's mom and Sora were having a literal stare down over this car. "I want to go to the beach." Sora said in a stern voice. "Why do you keep wanting to go so badly? Hm?" Sora's mom asked. Crap, Sora cannot tell his mom that he, probably totally doesn't pfft, has a crush on the ice cream guy. Yep he totally doesn't have a crush at all, nope. "My friend works at the ice cream stand." Sora said, his stomach churning when he said 'friend' and his head filling with questions. "Well then you shouldn't disrupt him working Sora." Sora's mom said, crossing her arms. Sora crossed his arms over dramatically and overly sassily, that usually breaks his mom. Sora's mom sighed and looked over at Sora's dad. "Sweetie, just let him go, I'll be a little late it's fine." Sora's dad said and Sora's face lit up and he grinned. Sora's mom nodded "you heard your father." she said reluctantly. "Thank you dad! mom!" Sora yelled out and grabbed the car keys out the key bowl and jumping into the car and driving off. "How much you wanna bet that friend is a lady friend.." Sora's mom said. "Absolutely" Sora's dad said.

Sora walked out onto the beach sand and let the salty air fill his nose, that familiar smell of salt that followed him around the whole damn city. Sora walked over to Riku's booth with his hands in his pockets and looked at Riku's butt. He was butt-I mean bent down so it was sexward-I mean awkward. Riku stood up and smiled. "Look who it is, my denier." Riku said, just grinning. "I'm not in denial! I'm not gay!" Sora yelled out, yes but him wanting to be with Riku is so straight. "But you..." "We're just friends! Just friends! That's all we are I promise! That stuff's not gonna happen anymore I promise!" Sora yelled out. Riku furrowed his brows then pulled the closed sign down and walked over to Sora. The two of them sat down next to the salty water and looked at it in silence. Riku grabbed Sora's hand and Sora blushed. "Riku what are you doing?" Riku peered into Sora's flushed face "uh-huh...blushing, you are gay." Riku said, booping Sora's nose gently which caused him to blush more. "I-I'm not gay!!" Sora yelled out, his face beet red. Every damn fiber in Sora's bones were screaming for him to kiss riku, every single one! But his...what is it? Pride? Fear of the masses? Whatever, it was screaming straight. Riku frowned and laid his head in Sora's lap, closing his eyes. This is okay right? It's totally, perfectly straight, absolutely straight, perfectly perfect and straight. Sora ran his hands through Riku's hair softly, it was so damn soft! "Riku, you're gay aren't you?" Sora asked, that was probably the stupidest question he could ask. "No I'm straight." Riku said in a mocking tone. "Look here you little shit-" Riku grabbed Sora's chin and brushed his lips against Sora's softly. Sora's face was even redder, if that's possible. "Positively straight." Riku said, giving Sora a cold stare. Sora huffed, his face still red. "W-Whatever! You don't even like me anyway you just like the guy I remind you of!" now from this point Riku went from alive to vampire, paleness wise. Sora saw this and immediately felt guilty, like it was a switch. Riku stood up and walked away from Sora, just like that! What type of bastard does that?! Well it's not Sora's fault that Riku explains nothing! Though Sora was feeling a little hurt...next thing he knew he found himself standing up and hugging Riku from behind, when the hell did that happen? "...Sorry Sora." Riku said, he always apologizes when it comes to this guy, ALWAYS. "Riku, you always apologize when it comes to that guy and me, who is he?" Sora asked. Riku grabbed Sora's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "Sora, you are you. I want to be with you, not because you look like Vanitas-" oh no. Riku caught his own words, but it was too late. "Vanitas?" Sora asked. Riku let go of Sora. Riku, I guess we're not so different after all, huh?

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