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Sora stared at his ceiling. "A boy...a boy...kissed...me?" and a hot one too, snap out of it Sora! The small stick laid on his desk idly. Sora closed his eyes and place his arm on top of his eyes. "I just got out of a relationship, what am I doing?" Sora asked himself. Sora phone buzzed and he sighed, grabbing it and staring at the text 'Sora there's a beach party happening at my place in two days! in or out?' that, my friends, was Sora's best friend, really his only friend, Ventus. They've been friends since freshman year, and since everyone only sees Sora for his looks, Ventus is there to not look at him, but be his best friend, I wonder what he'd say about all this. 'I'll go, but I have a story.' Waiting.
'A story? Sounds interesting, go on.' 'A gay guy kissed me today and gave me his number.' '>:O but you're dating kairi!' 'Actually her and I broke up, then I met him and it was all really sudden.' 'he sounds like a jerk :c" "He was really sweet, I could tell his niceness was real cuz he was really sarcastic but he was nice :)' 'Sora you're not straight anymore, it's so obvious you like him c;' 'you're kidding, I just met him!' 'Soooo? I could tell you didn't really love kairi anyway, I mean she was a huge jerk 3:' 'You're right, she was kinda bitchy lol.' 'You should invite him to the party!!!' 'Oh no, that'll be bad.' 'Well maybe he'll be there anyway, what's his name?' 'Riku' 'Long, silver hair?' 'Ya' ':O he's invited!!!' Oh fuck no. Sora tossed his phone on the bed and nearly said fuck you to fate. Sora paced his room back and forth, oh man oh man, what's he gonna do? Does he go get a nice ass outfit and look like the hottest mother fucker in town? Does he play it cool and just look like normal? This is the worst, especially since he knows kairi's gonna be there and she'll probably be all over some of the damn seniors. Sora took a deep breath and grabbed the stick and typed in the numbers on the stick. 'Ice cream boy?' Sora waited, he took around ten minutes to respond, and in those ten minutes Sora went from needing to clip his nails to not having anymore nails. 'Cute nickname, but I'd prefer Riku' Sora's heart skipped a beat, no no it's not supposed to do that! 'My friend says he knows you' around three minutes roll by. 'Oh? Does he now? What's his name?' Sora fidgeted in his bed, was he into Ventus more than him? No snap outta it! 'Ventus.' Two minutes, was he a slow typer or..? 'Ventus and I talk when we have our music class together.' Sora heart sank, Riku went to the same school as him??? Music class??? In translation, he's talking about 'band class' and there's three classes. Beginning, intermediate, and advanced. Ventus was an advanced trumpet player. Sora was in intermediate class, he played the guitar. That's actually how Ventus and Sora met in freshman year, freshman couldn't be in advanced and Sora was desperate to play guitar, and there was an 'intermediate help beginning, advanced help intermediate' type of ordeal, and Ventus got to show Sora what it's like in the class, and he got to do it again next year for 'Advanced helps intermediate.' So Riku plays an instrument? 'What instrument do you play?' the answer was quick. 'Piano.' oh man, that's really hot, no no it's not! 'I'm in the intermediate, I play guitar.' 'You going to Ventus' party?' damn it, he is going after all. 'Yeah, he just asked me.' this is really weird, so this means Riku's either a sophomore, junior, or senior. Probably senior, considering how he's built. 'What grade are you in?' The letters just flew across the keyboard, damn a double text. 'Junior.' Sora gulped, so all three of them are juniors...great. 'How come I've never seen you around?' waiting, you're so slow Riku! 'Well I'm in advanced classes so I wouldn't expect you to see me since its you' Riku you jerk! 'Wow, thanks. Now about that kiss.' 'The kiss? Oh right that you just looked like you needed it.' Is this guy just a person who works on instinct? 'Well I would've been fine without it.' ':P' Sora huffed, he was definitely getting a nicer outfit for that party.

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