Former Vs Future

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It has been, what, years? Years since I talked to Riku. I finished high school, I finished passing Riku in the hallways everyday, in my class for band during senior year. I finished being around Riku every day of my fucking life. 

I dated Ventus for a while, almost a year to be exact. It was okay, it was nice I guess. We still talk sometimes, we'll even get a beer at the bar and just hang out sometimes. I never found out what happened with that 'Vanitas' guy though. Guess I'll never know. 

Maybe that's okay though. Riku called me sometimes, once I got to my senior year I finally picked up his occasional calls and we'd talk for a few minutes. Still never really found out what happened with Riku and Kairi, but Riku told me they had a huge fight after that and haven't spoken since. 

Things are okay though. I live alone in a small apartment in a nice neighborhood. I enjoy my silent hours alone with my computer. It's not a bad life. It's a nice life. Riku explained to me it was her though who made the move, but I was too stubborn to believe it. 

I probably shouldn't sit around here though and reminisce forever though. I gotta go soon, once Riku and I made up we talked and talked, sometimes we talk for hours on the phone. It's really nice. 

He's coming pick me up in a few minutes though. We're gonna go out to eat and this really cute seafood place near my house then we're gonna just chill and eat ice cream at the beach. It's not a date though don't get me wrong! 

We just haven't seen each other in ages and we're meeting up and talking about old times at the beach. 

"No way!" I yelled out, taking another bite of the familiar Popsicle I've grown to love. "Yes way! And then he jumped off the roof and into the pool. And her mom was like 'what are you two doing?! She's half naked!'" Riku yelled out, the two of us laughing our asses off. 

I took the final bite of the popsicle stick and went to fling it into the ocean like I always do, but Riku grabbed my wrist. I looked over at him and he glanced at the Popsicle stick and smirked some. His longer hair flying in the summer wind, I found myself entranced and unable to pull away. 

"A winner shouldn't waste." Riku said, and leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. His lips, I remember them, I remember them so well. They way they were so soft, and tasted so sweet. I found myself kissing him back, engrossed in the memory of my former boyfriend, and future boyfriend once again.  

The End

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