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Sora sat at the roof of Ventus' house, partying really wasn't what he wanted to do right now. Sora looked out at the neighborhood as he nestled his head in his knees more, sighing. Girls are so mean, Sora just didn't understand. "I want some ice cream..." Sora muttered himself. "Are you sure it's the ice cream you want?" a voice from behind Sora asked. Sora jumped then turned his head to see Riku standing on the roof behind him. "What do you want?" Sora asked sadly. "Aw that's no way to treat someone who saved you from a bully." Riku smiled, walking over to Sora and sitting down next to him. "I didn't sit up here just so you could find me and interrogate me." Sora said, turning his head to look back at the neighborhood. "So?" Riku said. "I like you, and I want to be around people I like." Sora nearly yelled this, but seemed to be able to somewhat keep his cool around Riku. "It's only been two days since we met." Sora said. "So?" Riku asked, smirking some. Riku really pisses Sora off, or maybe...maybe he's not so much pissed, maybe snap out of it Sora you're not gay! Sora sprawled his legs out on the roof and took a deep breath. "I could scream right now.." Sora said. "Then scream." Riku said, tussling the knots out of his hair. "I can't scream, we're at a party." Sora said, pouting his lip some. "You can scream, no one hears you over this loud music." Riku said. Sora took a deep breath then screamed at the top of his lungs, no one turned their heads. Sora laughed and held his arms out to the sky, it felt nice to be somewhat free. Riku chuckled and leaned back against his arms and let the wind blow through his silver hair. "You look happy." Riku commented. "Huh? Well yeah, it's nice to let off steam, especially about that stupid seifer guy..." Sora said, mentally beating the crap outta him. "Want me to go beat him up?" Riku asked, standing up. "W-What?! No! This is my battle not yours!" Sora yelled out as Riku sat back down. "Wanna go to the beach tonight?" Riku asked casually. "Not tonight, I think I'll stay here-wait why are we chatting like friends?!" Sora asked, now suddenly getting out of his flighty mode and into his 'what the hell are you doing here' mode. "Oh, I didn't know friends kissed." Riku said and stood up, heading to the edge of the roof. "What are you doing Riku?! stop!" Sora yelled out, bolting after Riku, which of course it's Sora, he tripped on one of the pegs and toppled into Riku, causing them both to fall into the bush. Sora poked his head out from the top of the bush, leaves scattered in his hair, surprising the fall didn't hurt that bad and people still didn't notice. "Riku?" Sora looked around but no sign of him. "Today I went from a human to a flattened cushion..." Riku mumbled from under Sora. Sora looked down to see Riku firmly holding him, Riku purposely cushioned his fall. "Oh God Riku are you okay?!" Sora asked and held out his hand to Riku, he took it and sat up. "Yeah...just a few bruises...nothing more..." Riku said. Riku flicked some of the leaves out of Sora's hair, Sora blushing a light, faint pink. "Does anything hurt?" Riku asked worriedly. Sora shook his head "Riku do you need an ambulance?" Sora asked. Riku shook his head, but still spinning his wrist in a circle to try and make it feel better, but the other...probably needs a brace. "You're not fine, here let me help." Sora said. Riku smiled "Me asking for help from you is like me asking for help from a tree." Riku said, laughing at his own words that made Sora steam. "Sora, you're bruised." Riku said and pointed to Sora's large forming bruise on his knee. "Look at you! it looks like you got in s gang fight and lost!" "Were the fighters kittens? Cuz this is nothing." Riku said, rubbing his legs to try and stand. Sora blushed red and quickly pulled himself over to Riku and pecked his lips softly then stood up. "We never speak of that...what I did, again." Sora said. "I make no promises."

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