Unintentional Twins

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Sora sat at the shore of the beach, bar pop sticking out his mouth and tears running down his cheeks. What was even happening? This has happened before, all for looks! Now Sora is feeling it again, but why does it hurt so much more now? Who did Sora look like?! Who is drawing all these new people to him?! It's not fucking funny anymore! He loved Riku damn it! ...Woah, where did that come from? Sora doesn't love a guy, no never! Sora placed his hand in the cold water that brushed against his fingertips. Sora grabbed some of the wet sand and chucked it far into the ocean. He hated this, he hated all of this! He just wanted to melt into Riku's arms and he'd carry him away from all of this! Sora buried his head in his knees and sniffled, his mom's gonna be pissed but who cares anymore? It's after school hours now, actually an hour after. "Sora." Sora melted at the sound of that familiar voice behind him, no one's chased after him, especially not this long. "Let me explain-" "Shut up!" Sora yelled out, the tears coming back. "Sora, let me explain." Riku said calmly. Sora clenched his fist and just wanted to jump into the ocean. "Explain what? The fact that you never loved me? I heard it all, you made me toss back and forth over you because I'm always thinking about you for some reason and I really thought you were different but no, it's the looks, it's always about the looks! Always! Just-" Sora caught the word's flying out of his mouth and caught it mid sentence, but Riku already got the point. Riku sat down next to Sora and ran his hands through the dry parts of the sand. "No, it's not, it's just...so much complicated than it seems to be." Riku said. "Too complicated for an idiot like me?" Sora asked. "No! You're not an idiot! Don't believe what those bastards tell-" Riku stopped in his tracks. "Huh? No one calls me..." Sora said, confused. "Riku! Sora!" Xion yelled out, running towards them as Roxas trailed behind her slowly, 'I hate my life' written all over his face as the sand flicked around his feet. "I gotta go." Sora said and stood up, going to walk away. "Sora!" Riku yelled out, Sora turned his head and gave him a glare that stopped Riku right in his tracks, Sora's never given Riku that type of look. Roxas came up behind Sora and held him in a tight lock from behind. "This isn't Riku's fault, listen to what he has to say." Roxas said which caused Sora to squirm. "Roxas let him go, trust me." Riku said and Roxas put him down. "Sora please let me try to explain." Riku said, slowly inching towards him. Sora sighed "I really don't wanna be with you right now, I just wanna go home and be forced to watch chick flicks with my mom." "'forced'" Roxas air quoted. "IT IS FORCED!!" Sora turned around and  barked at him. Riku sighed "Look I know it looks pretty messed up right now, but I mean no harm, really.." Riku said, holding his arm out to Sora. "Just...trust me okay?" Riku said in a tone that basically made Sora melt. Sora sighed again and lightly trudged over to Riku, taking his hand. "Roxas you're acting like a creepy stalker right now." Xion whispered in his ear as Roxas just angrily stared at the two 'not gay' couple, uh-huh. "I just miss him, ya'know?" Roxas said in a low tone. "I know, he was one of the only people you liked, well was the only one at one point." Xion said. "Sora is nothing like him." Roxas said "He's too...child like. I thought, maybe, maybe he would be exactly like him, but no, he's not." "Well he looks a lot softer than him anyway, so it would only make sense." Xion said. Sora rested his head in Riku's chest as Riku held him, kissing the top of his spiky locks and holding him tightly, closely. "I'm not gay." Sora murmured, embarrassed. "You're gay." Riku said, rubbing his back in circles. "Mm.." Sora said, turning his head and spitting the stick out of his mouth. Riku gave him a glare. "I got it." Roxas said as he bent down to pick it up, but...someone beat him to him. "Here look I got it, my best friend pulls crap like this all the time so I'm used...to...it..." Ventus looked up at Roxas and bounced back, Roxas doing the same. "ARE WE TWINS?!" they both yell out as the stick laid idly on the ground. "Daaaaaaaaaamn you lookn' fine!"  Ventus said and swooped his hair back. "I can say the same for you." Roxas said, mimicking his actions. "Looks like we found an...interesting duo." Xion said as Sora braced for impact. "Hey So-OH I DIDN'T MEAN TO INTERUPT MY STRAIGHT BEST FRIEND HANGING ON HIS OBVIOUS NOT LOVER!" Ventus yelled out and grabbed Roxas' hand, tugging him away. "I'm taking the hot guy with me." Ventus said. "Hey I'm being dragged away by a hot guy!" Roxas yelled out.

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