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Well, Sora's bar ended up in the trash because that was not getting eaten anytime soon. Riku sat next to sora on the edge of the sand, the waves hitting their feet as people started to disperse. But now Kairi was watching Sora and Riku right next to Ventus, stalker duo. "I didn't know Kairi was your ex, she was my friend in elementary school and on." Riku said calmly, but not flat. Sora kept his head down and drew circles in the sand with his index finger. "Why Riku?" Sora asked quietly. "Why me what?" Riku asked, confused. "Why'd I have to meet you? Why? Why'd I have to go get the ice cream? If it weren't for you I wouldn't have kissed a guy, and be debating my sexuality. My heart won't stop having spass attacks every time I look at you and you consume my mind and I hate it!" Sora said, desperate to throw something, anything. "You think I feel great about this too?" Riku asked almost defensively, Riku's acting like a human being with feelings? "Well I mean, duh you're so calm and collected about this and you're the one who so casually makes moves on me and, just, things like that!" Sora yelled out. "And you're super confusing because it's only been three days!" Sora yelled again, he's gonna cause the whole damn neighborhood to wake up. Riku sighed "I'm sorry, you just looked like someone and I couldn't help myself." Riku said, standing up and going to walk off. "Hey wait! Don't you dare leave me hanging like this!" Sora yelled out, grabbing Riku's hand and basically yanking him back on the beach sand. Riku stood up after brushing all the sand off his clothes and sat down next to Sora. "What do you mean 'I looked like someone' ?" 'Yeah I look like the most popular guy in school when it comes to looks, I knew this guy just cared about looks.' Sora thought to himself. "I just, it's a long story." Riku said. Sora sat down in a very lax position that basically said 'I'm comfortable, keep talking' Riku sighed "Sora I really don't..." Riku muttered under his breath, but loud enough for Sora to hear. Sora sat up and scooted to Riku and hugged him tightly. Riku eyed the brunette up and down, this was real, wasn't it? Riku squinted his face some like a puppy that was about to cry and hugged Sora back. "I'm sorry I keep throwing myself at you Sora." Riku said quietly, but in his ear so he didn't have to be loud, he didn't want to say anything, but he knew he had to. "Who do I look like?" Sora asked, running his hands through Riku's tangled mess. Riku stayed quiet, sniffles coming from him. Sora closed his eyes, but opened them when he felt tears drop onto his shoulders, was riku, the Riku who was always calm and collected, crying? Crying over what? Riku took a deep breath, you can face the truth can't you Riku? "you" Riku held onto Sora tighter, he couldn't just fade away! Sora felt secure in the strong man's arms and let himself relax in his hold. "Riku, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Sora murmured, he didn't want Riku to strain himself. Riku let go of Sora and wiped the tears from his eyes. "WHY DIDN'T HE KISS--MMPH!" Kairi held Ventus' mouth so he doesn't yell. Sora smiled at Riku some and Riku smiled. Riku wasn't an emotionless guy that acted guy, he was a guy who had a cool exterior but seemingly has secrets under that dark mask of his. Sora brushed his fingertips against Riku's cheek, he was soft to the touch. Riku's silver hair danced against the light of the moon as the beach brushed against them. It was perfectly romantic, it was perfect, and cliché. Ventus and Kairi both stared at the two of them in interest and awe, both basically screaming kiss, but Sora and Riku didn't notice. Sora's heart was pounding, it fucking sucked. It sucked but he knew what was the cause of it. He knew, he really knew because of all those chickflics his mom made him watch all those years. Sora ran his fingertips through the silver hair and brushed it, it was so soft. Riku tapped his finger against Sora's nose softly which caused Sora to chuckle. Riku leaned close to Sora, his breath hot against Sora's already heated lips. "You really are turning gay Sora." Riku chuckled and Sora smiled. Riku kissed Sora's nose softly, then gave him an eskimo kiss and stood up, now walking off to go to his stand. Sora stared at riku, he finally worked up the nerve to kiss him and now he just walks up. Sora stumbled in the sand and stood up, darting after Riku. HE WAS GETTING THAT DAMN KISS EVEN IF IT MEANT HE'D GET CLAWED BY A CRAB. A tiny crab came into Sora's view and he very graciously stepped around it. Riku turned his head to see Sora darting towards him. Riku laughed watching Sora stumble in the sand, but was piped up when Sora nearly jumped, but basically fell into his arms and pulled him into a rough kiss. Riku was stunned, but never got the time to kiss back, because when he finally registered the moment, Sora was already half way to the road and both faces were practically on fire. And Sora did end up stepping on the crab.

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