Dreams of Reality

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Sora snored quietly as he rested his head against the arm rest of the couch. Riku stroked the strands of Sora's hair softly, he really did adore that boy. He was so much more different than him. But...still, it didn't matter. All that mattered is that Sora was here now, and nothing will hurt him under Riku's watch. Lilith laid on the other side of the couch as Sora's phone pinged. Riku glanced over at to see his mother texting him that she'll be out for the full night, great. Riku stood up and dug his hands in his pockets to find his car keys. He opened the door to the front of the house and closed it, walking to it. Sleepover.

Sora woke up to see Lilith sleeping on the couch and Riku holding him tightly, two bags near the front door too. Riku's chin was resting on Sora's head and his arms wrapped around Sora for dear life. Sora yawned and Lilith poked her head up, wagging her tail to see her precious owner awake. Sora checked his phone to look at the time, and to also see a spew of missed messages from mommy, great. All asking if Sora's okay, where is he, why isn't he answering his phone, so on and so forth. Well the time was 11:30. "Riku..." Sora muttered, poking Riku's cheek which caused him to wiggle his nose and shift some, letting go of Sora. Sora frowned and regretted trying to wake Riku up. Jeez, Sora was starving, when did he knock out anyway? Sora slid down from Riku's very light grasp and slowly trudged over to the fridge and opened it, staring into it. "I wonder if I can cook.." Sora muttered. That's probably a very bad idea Sora. Sora closed the fridge and pulled out the pasta and spaghetti sauce. "Alright, spaghetti here we come!" Needless to say, Riku made spaghetti for him. Sora sat at the kitchen table quietly, eating his second plate of spaghetti while Riku was finishing his first. "Thank you for the food Riku.." Sora said, he felt bad for making Riku do his cooking, but if he didn't he would've blown up the house, with boiling water. Riku smiled at Sora. God why is this so awkward? Is it because they're both restraining themselves for doing each other on the table? I highly doubt that. So what was it? Sora had enough, it was his last day of being gay, so he might as well go out in a bang. Sora scooted his chair out, his face a darkish pink. Sora got the great idea, let eat on Riku's lap! Is that realty good idea Sora? Is it? Sora went and plopped himself on Riku's lap, snuggling his head in his chest. Riku looked down at the happy brunette and poked at some of that dangerously spiky hair. "What are you doing Sora?" Riku asked quizzically. "It's my last day of gay, shh." Sora said, looking up and putting his finger on Riku's lips in a shushing position. Riku kissed Sora's finger softly and Sora smiled. "I'm going to bed Sora." Riku said and Sora got off of Riku, immediately cleaning both of their dishes off and placing them in the sink. Riku laid down in the bed and changed into his sleeping wear, no need to describe that c; Sora waltzed on in and looked at the half asleep Riku, he's so damn cute. Sora sat down next to Riku and soon found himself cocooned in his arms. So at around 12:30 he was pondering, is this love? "Sora..." Riku mumbled, I guess he wasn't all the way asleep. "Hm?" Sora asked. "I'm not tired." Riku said like a child. "Then stay awake." Sora said, maybe he could be gay one more day, threes a charm am I right? "But" "But what?" Sora huffed in annoyance. "I like dreaming of a place where you love me." Riku whispered, closing his eyes and his world drifting. Sora's heart dropped, what? Sora was utterly confused, what the hell? "What?" Sora asked. "I dream of a place where we're together and you love me.." Riku muttered, did he hear his own words or not? Sora ran his hands through his silver locks. "Riku, what if that was the world you live in?" Sora whispered. Riku sat up and looked him dead in the eye. "Then I must be seeing things."

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