You Know Who?

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Sora busted through the front door of his house and landed face first on the pillow, yelling a fake 'WAHHH' into the pillow. He was also greeted by a huge Siberian Husky named Lilith jumping on him and licking, the part of his face he had exposed, off. Sora groaned and sat up, petting the top of his dog's head with his hand softly. "Lily, what do I do?" Sora always referred to Lilith as lily, when they got her Sora didn't like the name Lilith so he always called her Lily. Lilith sat down and tilted her head to both sides. "Am I gay Lily?" Lilith wagged her tail. "Thanks Lily." Sora said in a 'fuck you' kinda tone. "Sora I can't believe you have a Popsicle stick in your room, you know that's disgusting!" Sora's mom said as she plumped down the stairs one by one, holding the WINNER stick in her hand. Sora gulped, does he stop her? Does he let her know that was the stick that caused him to kiss Riku? Wait no snap outta it, no no that doesn't even matter! Sora leaned back against the couch, then remembered a specific line Riku had said 'you're a prize to me...' what'd he mean by that? Does he mean Sora is someone who Riku cherishes even though that's kinda weird? Does it mean Riku has some weird fetish for him and will force him to do really freaky things in the future? Who knows. 'You know this sucks, I can't even go to my favorite beach without either wanted to cry, or wanting ice cream.' Sora's phone buzzed and he grabbed it, a text from Ventus. 'Let's go your beach c;' your beach referring to the beach that all the current events have been happening it. 'So I can be assaulted by horny silverettes with Popsicle sticks?' that's what it felt like to Sora, but he didn't even reject any of it so he's just having a mental break down. 'Yep' wow thanks ventus. 'Fine leaving now' Sora was not leaving now. He had to get out this stupid stuffy uniform. Sora went upstairs and threw off his uniform and pulled on the most suited outfit he could think. A light sweatshirt and shorts, perfect. Wasn't it? "MOM CAN I BORROW THE CAR?!" "WHAT?!" "I SAID CAN I BORROW THE CAR!!" "CAN YOU BORROW THE STAR?!" "CAN I BORROW THE CAR!!!" no response, but loud booming up steps."you want what?" Sora's mom asked. "Can I borrow the car?" Sora asked. "Oh yeah, sure." Sora's mom said and walked back downstairs.

"Two bars of sea salt ice cream." Sora said, clearly frustrated. "That'll be 4.95" said the lady behind the booth, I guess Riku only works nights. Sora and Ventus both tear off the paper and stuff it in their pockets, both licking at the bar. "What a let down.." Ventus muttered, shoving half the bar in his mouth and sucking on it, trying to look the least sexual as possible. "You just wanted to see us kiss." Sora said and took a bite. "Aha! So you do admit that you two kiss more than once, on a daily basis!" Ventus yelled out and Sora blushed a bright red. "Sora, can we talk for a minute?" a small petite voice came from behind Sora that's all too familiar. Sora braced himself for tears and turned around. "Sure Kairi." Ventus waved to Sora and walked off, but hiding behind a trash can and staring at the two. "Look Sora I'm sorry about what seifer said.." Kairi said, kicking at the grains of sand on the beach. "What? No it's fine." Sora said quietly. "It's just...I guess I have a lot of explaining to do about him huh?" Kairi said, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly and giggling like she just did something wrong. "No, we're not together anymore so you can date who you wish." Sora said flatly. "Still, you looked pretty devastated so I think you deserve an explanation." Kairi said, holding her hands behind her back. Can she not tell this is hurting Sora more? "Kairi leave the poor kid alone before he has a mental break down." that same voice Sora also came to recognize. Kairi turned around a grinned brightly "Riku!" Kairi yelled out and ran to him, hugging him tightly. "Hey princess of pain, how are you?" Riku asked and hugged her back. "Good prince of bitchiness." Kairi said, smiling. Sora felt really awkward and decided to turn away. "Sora!" Riku yelled out, crap Riku just go away! Sora turned around awkwardly, but with kairi's rejection mixed with their hugging and Sora not knowing his sexuality anymore and that stupid fucking algebra test he just couldn't take it anymore and bursted into tears. "Sora!" Riku yelled out in worry.

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