Stranger Danger Isn't a Thing in Life or Death

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Sora opened his eyes to feel water being forcefully poured in his mouth. He coughed up and some of the water came out of his mouth. His hearing was very very weak, he could barely hear anything. He could feel the sand against his body, so he hasn't moved, expect his upper body, that is elevated and out the sand. More of his vision started coming back, he saw fire red, spiked hair glistening in the sunlight. "Don't worry, I've got you..." the voice whispered melodically. Sora closed his eyes again to block out the gaze of the sun.

Sora opened his eyes to feel a soft cushion holding him in a warm embrace. He sat up and realized he was wrapped in a blanket, and held in a large bed. He looked around the large room that were covered red, red everywhere. Honestly, it was quite concerning, considering that it might be blood blended into the walls, maybe Sora watches too many criminal shows, who knows. Sora looked at the open door to look into the tidy hallway. Sora swung his legs out the bed, but was immediately stopped by a penetrating headache. Haha, penetrating, NO THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR DICK JOKES. Anyway, Sora laid his head in his hand for a minute to hear footsteps approaching the room. "Oh, looks like someone is awake." a strong, yet adultishly playful voice came from the man leaning on the doorframe of the room. "Who are you? And...why did you save me? Why am I here?" Sora asked. "So many questions, I found you running for dear life it seemed, but it didn't concern me so I just kept walking a hoped you weren't a murderer getting chased by the cops. Then I saw you lying on the sand, extremely red and assumably passed out." The man said, but paused to eye Sora up and down. "You look like you're about to puke." the man stated and Sora gripped his stomach. "Is it that obvious?" Sora asked and covered his mouth. "Here, I gotcha." the man jogged out the room then came back with a trashcan, and in the inside was a grocery bag. "If you need to throw up, do it in this." The man placed the can down next to Sora's feet, and Sora took no time to not take full advantage of the trashcan. "Okay, that's not...pretty." the man said and sat in the desk chair. "It's not supposed to be..." Sora looked up at the man and smirked some at his own words. The man smirked and leaned back in the chair. "You ended up here because when you were passed out you had bags, school books and clothes, so that suggests that you're either a high school kid running from home, so why would I even look into trying to bring you home? Or a college student doing God knows what." the man leaned his elbows on his thighs, sitting hunched. "Plus, I didn't know who you were and didn't even know your address, so what was I supposed to do?" the man asked and Sora shrugged. "Exactly. The name's Axel, got it memorized?" Axel asked as he rolled his wheelie chair over to Sora and held his hand out the Sora. Sora gracefully took it and shook it "Sora." Sora said and the man smiled some. "I'm a college student, fresh out of high school and no major." Axel said and crossed his legs. "Junior in high school, not even close to looking at colleges." Sora said, smiling like an idiot. "Ah, I remember junior year. Anyway, what are you gonna do? Going home? Calling someone?" Axel asked. "I...don't know. I'm either going home and see what hell waits for me, or crash at my...friend's house." Sora said. "Can you stand?" Axel asked. "Hardly." Sora said and chuckled some. "Stay here, call up whoever you'd like to go to, and I'll bring you since I don't want you out in the hot streets and risk getting dehydrated again." Axel said. "My phone's in the small pocket on the green school bag." Sora said. Axel got up and grabbed the bag, pulling out the phone and tossing it to sora. Sora hardly caught it, but definitely caught it. "Am I gonna ever meet you again?" Sora asked. "Maybe, would you like to?" Axel asked. "Maybe." Sora smiled and decided to phone Riku. After around three rings, he picked up. "Hello?" Riku asked. "Riku?" Sora asked "God, I gotta explain why I left last night-" "Explain later, what's your address?" Sora asked. "Uhm...2967 Ovable Drive." Riku said. "Great, I'm coming over, we'll both explain everything when I get there, love you." "Wait Sor-" Sora hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. "Can you walk to the car?" Axel asked. "Probably not." Sora said, grinning like an idiot. Axel smiled "Alright, the only way I could bring you to the car is if I carry you...bridal style..." Axel admitted. "Bridal style? That doesn't sound good..." Sora said quietly. "It won't be, c'mhere." Axel said and lifted Sora up. "Holy shit this is bridal style." Sora said. "Welcome to the married life." Axel said and walked out the room to the living room, then closing his door and locking it. "What is up with you and the color red?" Sora asked. "It's a color that you could never forget." Axel said and unlocked his car, gracefully putting Sora down and closing the door. Axel walked back into the house and grabbed Sora's two bags, tossing them into the passenger seat. Axel locked his house door and jumped into the driver's seat. "What's the address?" Axel asked. "2967 Ovable Drive. Look thank you so much for all of this." Sora said. "No troubles kid, I was a run away too you know, so you know I guess my heart reaches out." Axel said, pulling out. "You should work in child services, you'd be good in it." Sora said. "Really? Not kids personally, maybe teens, maybe something with teens." Axel said. "Troubled teens psychology?" Sora suggested. "I'm not smart enough kid." Axel said with a smile. "Course you are!" Sora yelled out. "You're a perky kid, look we're here. If you need anything at all, you know where to find me." Axel said. "Actually no I don't." Sora said. "Alright, well I'll give you my number." Axel grabbed s piece of paper lying around next to a notebook and pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote it down. "Here ya go." Axel handed Sora the paper and Sora put it in his pocket and smiled. "Thank you Axel, now how do I get in the house?" Sora asked. Riku stepped out the house and looked at the unfamiliar car. Riku walked over to the car and Sora opened the door. "Riku, can I get some help I kinda can't move here." Sora laughed awkwardly. "What?!" Riku yelled out. Axel opened his car door and Riku looked at Axel. "Here, take his bags, I got Sora."  

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