The Trip

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I'm excited for you to read so carry on! This is basically her outfit but with combat boots and no bag :)


I was upset. No upset is too soft. I was fucking frustrated. I was staring down at a pile of fabric and poles of what should have been a tent by now. Instead I had; lost the instructions, no one to help me, and a picture on a box of what everything should look like. I gritted my teeth and tried again. I looped a pole through a strap like how it showed in the picture. Then all you had to do was put the end of the pole into rods..? Then I had to take the stakes and hammer it into the ground so it wouldn't fly away. It wasn't going that well though. I needed two people for this. I mean it was a two person tent, but my second person wasn't available at the moment seeing as he broke up with me. I threw down the pole a bit frustrated before going and sitting down on the the folding chair I had brought. I stared at the pile just thinking. Maybe i could just sleep in the car. Or go to a motel, but no I paid for this spot. I ran my hand through my long dark hair. I needed to get it cut. Maybe I should chop it all off again like I did when.. I stopped. Don't think about it i told myself. It was all in the past.

"Excuse me, ma'am." said a raspy voice. Startled I jumped up and almost knocked someone over. They caught my arm and steadied the both of us.

"Sorry. Sorry." I stammered looking up. It was a guy. He had gorgeous eyes, green like grass. Deep and soulful. Framed by dark eyebrows and underneath a winning smile topped off with a dimple. "I.. I.." I felt myself stammering again.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have snuck up on you." he was smirking down at me. He was almost a head taller than I was. There was something I didn't like about him off the bat. He was really cute but behind those eyes was this dark allure that I had seen before in his eyes. That's when I, stupidly, decided to direct some of my anger towards him.

"Yeah. You shouldn't have." I replied snatching my arm back and stepping away from him. I took him all in, crossing my arms. He had a mess of brown curly hair that fell in his face. He still had a slight baby face but I could tell that wouldn't last long. He looked around my age. 16, 17.. Maybe. He was blatantly looking me up and down, but so was I. It made me self conscious none the less. His eyes swept over my combat boots, floral pants, and black tank top. I wish I hadn't thrown my motorcycle jacket in the back of my car when I got out. I felt bare and naked. I never wanted to feel like that again. "Can I help you?" I asked interrupting his scrutiny of my outfit.

"Actually I came to ask if you needed help." he turned, putting his hands in his pockets and looking at my sad little 'tent' a bit amused with himself

"No. I'm fine thanks." I told him, smiling sweetly hoping he would go away. He was cute but I was just here to get away from, well, everything.

"Really?" he said clearly not believing me.

"Really." I said uncrossing my arms and walking toward the pile.

"Cause I was watching you, and you looked like you were struggling." he continued. Was that an accent I heard? "And I am prepared to help a damsel in distress." he sounded cocky and when i looked up at him he was smirking.

"I'm a damsel. I'm in distress. I can handle this." I quoted tossing my hair over my shoulder a bit disdainfully. To my surprise he started laughing.

"You just quoted Hercules." I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see my face.

"I know. That's why I said it." I scoffed, bending over to pick up a pole on the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him staring at my ass. That's what I get for bending down. "Can you go now?" I asked him. He didn't answer me, just took the pole's out of my hands and started setting up my tent. I huffed in frustration. Grinding my teeth I walked towards my car and reached in the back for my jacket. I threw it on hastily and walked back to where he was setting up my tent.

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