Phone Number

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We made small talk the rest of the way back. I didn't have much to say but David seemed more energetic after I told him he could give me his number. I hadn't meant to lead him on I was just trying to be nice. I hoped he wouldn't be too disappointed when I didn't call or text him. Then again maybe he did this all the time. Gave his number out to random girls. It's not like I'm that pretty or anything. I'm just average. David doesn't seem like the type to do that. If this was John yeah I could see him handing out his number to complete strangers but David was more sweet and innocent. You could use a boy like that said a nagging voice in the back of my head. I wave it off. I didn't need anything. I didn't need anyone. I was content with it just being me for the rest of my life. Nobody could ever want someone so broken.

As we got closer I saw Harry and Niall chatting it up with Alison and Bree. Niall was being his usual bunny bouncing self, never staying in one place and Bree was having a hard time trying to keep his attention. Alison and Harry looked like they were flirting up a storm. She would punch him playfully or touch his arm. Harry was all smiles and laughter. I felt my face turn red with anger. Why wasn't he like that with me? Did I have to become blonde and thinner for him to even show kindness toward me?

"Looks like they're hitting it off just like us." David said showing his teeth in a brilliant smile. I smiled back up at him and then stupid me I put my arm around his waist. He smiled wider. Oh god what was I doing? Trying to make Harry jealous? No I hate him, but I did kiss him only hours ago. Well he kissed me first. "Hey Alison do you have a pen or something I could borrow?" David called out. Alison peeked over Harry's shoulder to look at us. Her blonde hair was swirling around in the small breeze and her jaw went a little slack when she saw us, like she couldn't believe Davids arm was around me and that I had one arm around him. Frankly I couldn't believe it either. Harry, whose expression when he turned had been one giant smile, quickly fell when he saw us. He was mad or pissed, but hopefully, and most importantly, jealous. He kept staring at my arm around David.

"Uhhh yeah sure David." Alison stuttered before turning around and running to her purse that was back up the beach a little way. David dropped his arm from around my shoulders so I did the same. Letting my arm hang limp at my side like it meant nothing. It looked like Niall was trying to hold back a giant scream or stop himself from blurting out something. Bree looked just the slightest bit annoyed. Her face had scrunched up into one of disgust. She had her arms crossed over her chest and just, did not look happy. I turned to look at our beach site. Louis was waving his arms trying to get my attention. When he saw that he had it he did two thumbs up and started smiling like a maniac. I tried not to laugh. Liam was smiling at me and Zayn was slow clapping from his chair which made Louis laugh. "Uhh here." Alison said coming back and handing a pen to David.

"Thanks." He said to her before turned to me. "Do have something I could write on?" He asked. I had a book but I wasn't about to let him ruin it with his number.

"Just write it on my arm." I replied holding out my left arm for him to write on. David smiled.

"Alright." He said as took my arm and began to write. Oh god. I would have to scrub this off. Sometimes pen marks left traces on my pale skin it would still be there even if I scrubbed it off. Harry had stalked off after Alison reappeared. She had tried to get his attention but it hadn't worked. After one last glance at me he turned and left. Niall had ran off with him leaving Bree alone too. They looked like they were about ready to maul me. David, unaware of what was happening behind him, capped the pen and without looking at her handed it back to Alison. "There you go." He said proudly putting his hands on his waist.

"Thanks." I said looking down at it and trying not to look pained. His writing was big and he even put an x at the end and a winky face. Oh no. "Umm I should go back to the guys now." I said almost tripping backwards over a piece of driftwood. David caught my arm and held me tight.

"Ok. Call me whenever. It was great to meet you Terra." David said genuinely. Now I really felt bad.

"I will. It was nice meeting you too." I replied. He let go off my arm and I was about to walk away when David wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I tried to hide my surprise as I hugged him back. He laughed nervously as we let go. "Bye David." I said hurriedly walking back toward the guys who had tried to contain their looks of excitement as I turned.

"Bye Terra." He replied. I looked back and saw him waving. I raised my hand in a small wave and then I turned and practically ran toward the boys stopping in front of Liam.

"Hi." I said. Louis and Niall erupted into cheers. Laim laughed at them and Zayn looked like he was trying not to laugh as well. Harry didn't look at me. "Yeah, yeah woohoo. Are we going?" I asked Liam a bit pleadingly.

"Sure lets go guys." Liam said motioning for them to get the stuff.

"She's in a hurry to get her phone and call that number." Louis said enthusiastically.

"Yeah that's it. Come on." I said grabbing up my things. I threw on my t-shirt I had worn over my swimsuit and jumped into my shorts. Harry watched me, a weird look on his face. I pretended I didn't see. I threw my towel over my shoulder and grabbed up my bag. I was about to pick up my chair when a hand reached down in front of me and snatched it up. "Hey." I said defiantly looking up at Harry. "I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own things." I told him putting my hands on my hips. Harry just rolled his eyes and didn't try to argue with me but he also didn't put down my chair. I sighed and helped Liam pack everything else up.

"Ready to go." Liam called out. They all nodded. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a familiar mop of brown hair watching us. David. I didn't look his way.

"So let's see the number." Louis shouted as he unlocked the car so we could load up.

"What? Why?" I asked confused. Instead of answering Louis grabbed my arm.

"Look! He put a little x and a winking face!" Louis said. Niall hopped over and started laughing. Zayn was snickering as he loaded the trunk.

"Shut up." I said hitting his side which only made him laugh harder. "Let's just get back to camp." I groaned.

"Sure thing love. Louis will have you there in no time.." Liam paused. "Then you can call that number." He finished. Louis high-fived him.

"Not you too Liam! I thought you were more mature than this." I whined with a huff, walking toward the passenger side. I bumped into Harry's chest and almost fell. He wrapped his arm around my waist to stop me from falling. I couldn't breathe. I had forgotten how to and his green eyes looked so.. "Thanks." I mumbled lightly taking his hands off me. He let go willingly and I walked around him to get into the car. Zayn shut the trunk and Harry and him climbed into the back seat. Niall, and Liam jumpe into the middle seats and Louis hopped up into the seat next to me.

"Alright. Hang on tight. We got to get this girl back to camp!" Louis shouted. Everyone but Harry cheered. He was absentmindedly staring out the window.

"Please don't drive line a maniac!" I begged Louis.

"Maniac? I don't drive like a maniac." Louis said shifting into drive and taking off. I suppressed a scream as he almost barreled into a car.

"He's obviously not watching where he's going." Louis said trying to justify his crazy driving. I sighed and closed my eyes wishing I was the one driving and not Louis. When we got back to the camp I stumbled out of the car and almost puked in their bushes.

"From now on can I drive?" I asked looking pointedly at Liam who shrugged and pointed to Louis.

"What? I'm a great driver though." He said with a giant smile. I didn't want to burst his bubble so I sighed and stayed quiet.

"Yeah yeah. Silly me." Louis smiled wide and went to unload the back.

"I think I'd rather have you drive." came a raspy voice. I looked behind me and saw Harry. I was going to say something snarky like oh so you can talk, or look who finally speaks but Harry just brushed past me to get to the back of the car. With a sigh I grabbed up all my things and my chair from the back of the car. Louis and Niall were arguing over what to have for dinner tonight. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my camp site dragging my chair along. I dropped it off next to the fire put and then grabbed all the things necessary for a shower. It not like I smelled bad or anything but going a day without taking a shower was weird. It was the middle of the afternoon so there'd shouldn't be anyone there. I was halfway to the showers when a voice called out.


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