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We spent the night telling each other ghost stories. I didn't really contribute to this though. I didn't have any ghost stories just really sad back stories. The boys were great at it though. Zayn's story was the creepiest by far. He could do this thing with his voice that just made everything sound darker, but slowly all of them drifted off to sleep until it was just Harry and I again. I stared into the dying embers of the fire and sighed. It must have been around one by now. I didn't know what we would be doing tomorrow but I should get some sleep anyways. Harry stood up and doused the fire then, splashing water on my feet.

"Hey." I protested with a frown.

"Well come on." Harry said packing up the chairs and leaning them against the fire pit. Mumbling under my breath I helped him before turning around to tromp through the bushes back to my tent. I heard footsteps behind me and realized Harry was following.

"What are you doing?" i asked, turning to face him. He blinked at me and gave me this are you stupid look.

"Well if I'm going to go to your tent in the middle of the night anyways..." I cut him off.

"I don't need you." I said a bit too harshly.

"Everybody needs somebody." Harry replied quietly and breezed past me. I blinked and wrapped my arms around myself in confusion. He held open the tent door for me as I got closer to him. I sighed and took off my sandals before stepping in. Harry zipped it shut behind him.

We laid on top of my blanket for a while just staring up at the stars. It wasn't awkward like I thought it would be. It was actually quite relaxing just listening to our breathing as we looked up at the night sky. He had his hands behind his head and I had mine folded across my stomach. I would glance at him every now and then to make sure this was real, that this was actually happening. I watched as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled something out before sitting up abruptly

"What?" i asked.

"I uhh.. I.. just.. Here." Harry said shoving a little box into my hands. I couldn't see the expression on his face but i could just picture him being bright red and bashful. I smiled a little. Pulling the top off the box I looked down at it's contents a bit astonished.

"The necklace i was looking at." I breathed out.

"Yeah.. I uhh.." Harry stuttered out rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you like it." he asked slowly.

"I can't believe you got me something." I continued pulling it from the box.

"Of course I did. It's your birthday." he brushed back a strand of my hair. I noticed how focused he was on it as he twirled it between his fingers. I reached back behind me for the box containing his bracelet. He looked down at it confused as I handed it to him.

"I didn't want to look stupid if I gave you something and you didn't get anything for me." I told him quietly, watching his face. He popped the top off and took it out.

"Cute." he smirked. "You know if you wanted the key to my heart all you had to do was ask." he still had that stupid look on his face.

"I didn't have to get you anything." I said roughly glaring down at the necklace in my hands now. He went quiet.

"Let me put it on." he said gently touching my hand. I loosened my grip and he pulled the chain out of my hand. He had put the bracelet on. I bit back a smile. I faced my back towards him and the necklace came down in front of my face. Pulling my hair forward Harry clasped the necklace. "All done." he practically whispered. I faced him again. There was a look in his eyes that I couldn't place. He started leaning forward and I could tell where this was going. I turned away and Harry backed up. I swallowed hard. I may have just missed my chance with him but now was not the time. I lowered myself down onto the pillows and pulled the blanket over myself. I felt Harry settle in beside me. I turned to the side to look at him.

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