Look At What's in Front of You

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I pulled Harry toward the water and pushed him in laughing from a shallower area while he spurted and shook water out of hi hair. "Hey!" he said in surprise. I burst out laughing. Pointing at him and clutching my stomach like a child does. He sloshed through the water toward me and grabbed me around my waist.

"Stop it!" i shouted still laughing hitting his chest as he carried me deeper into the water. He tossed me and i went under the bubbles popping around me. I laughed underwater taking in some of the lake which i immediately spit back out. I reached out for his hand and pulled him down almost making him fall on top of me. I broke the surface of the water still laughing as i kicked the water to keep myself afloat. Harry emerged seconds later blinking and shaking out his wet hair. He looked at me and i laughed again. He swam towards me but I kicked out trying to get away from him. He was faster pulling me into his arms and pushing back my wet hair that was clinging to my face. He ran one finger from my hair line down to my jaw. I think he was standing in the water. He must be taller than I thought. Or we weren't as deep as I thought we were. I shivered and looked down but he brought my chin up so I could look him in the eyes. I could see the wheels spinning him his head. He was thinking hard. But about what? His lips find mine and he's running his hands through my hair. I put one arm around his neck pulling myself up higher. The shirt I'm wearing is incredibly thin and I can feel the fast paced beat of his heart against my chest. I tense up when Harry's hands roam down my sides and don't stop at my hips. I pull away looking down at the water watching my reflection. She looks calm but I feel scared.

"I'm sorry." Harry breaths out. I don't reply. I float on my back and look at the sky while the water rushes past my ears. Then Harry's curly head floats up next to me except. He's floating in the opposite direction of me. I glance at him and he does the same. I can't help but smile. Harry pushes down on my stomach and I go under with a yelp.

"Harry!" I sputter splashing water at him once I break the surface. He laughs at my dismay. "You're awful." I say with a shake of my head. I begin to walk out of the lake water dripping from my hair, and clothes.

"You don't mean that." He replies asking after me throwing up water in his wake.

"Maybe I do." I replied turning around and walking backward back toward the picnic basket and blanket. "How'd you find this place anyways?" I asked stopping on the shoreline. Harry shrugged. "Don't shrug. You don't live here. How could you have possibly known about it?" I asked as he came to my side.

"I have my ways." He repeated with a smirk.

"You don't have ways." I said wiggling my fingers. Harry laughs.

"Course I do how else could I get a girl as pretty as you." I blush and roll my eyes. He sits down on the grass next to the blanket and i sit next to him.

"Please. I'm sure you can get whatever you girl you like back in Britain and I'm certainly not the prettiest girl you've ever met." I said wringing out my hair to one side.

"Are you implying that I look good and you aren't because you are definitely the prettiest girl I've met." Harry says pushing my slightly. I push him back and roll my eyes.

"I'm not implying anything. Merely stating that your Bad Boy aura is something a lot of girls go for." Harry's silent. I throw my hair behind me and pull up my knees to my chest.

"Why do you think I'm a bad boy?" Harry asks green eyes peering into my very soul. I squirm and break my gaze shrugging.

"Are you saying you're not?" I ask glancing back at him.

"I'm not a bad guy." Harry grumbles throwing a rock towards the lake.

"Could've fooled me with all the smirking and pissing me off. Fighting, yelling at each other and.." He cuts me off.

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