Silly Little Love Songs

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Around two o'clock the boys and I decided that we should head back to camp. The girls pouted from where they were sun bathing as they watched us pack up and go. Well they weren't sad to see me go. They probably didn't give a damn about me. It was the boys there were upset over. We packed all the stuff in the car and piled in. I had pulled my shorts back my shirt before I piled all my hair up into a messy bun. Louis still drove like the devil was chasing him but I was able to keep calm. Well calmer than I had before.

"Sooo.." I said, drawing out the o. Louis looked over at me as he swerved around a corner. "Who were those girls?" I was trying to sound nonchalant about it all. I turned my head to face Liam figuring he was the one to remember if anything.

"Crystal was the like dirty blond one, I think. Uhh Ashley was the platinum haired one and Britney was the small, brown haired one." he finished off.

"Typical." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" Louis questioned, arching an eyebrow.

"Nothing!Those are just uhh, typical white, rich girl names." I tell them. He nodded. I looked in the side mirror at Harry sitting in the back seat. To my surprise he was already looking at me. Well my reflection. He slowly looked away when i caught his eye though.

"So is Terra your actual name?" Zayn asked. I looked back at him in surprise.

"Why wouldn't it be my real name?" Zayn blushed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Sounds like a nickname, or you know you could've given us a fake name." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You have a weird name, Zayn. What's that? Same with Niall and Liam. The only normal ones are Louis and Harry." I replied gesturing towards Louis.

"I wouldn't say I was normal love." he winked at me. I stuck my tongue out.

"Right. Sorry." Zayn said sheepishly. I laughed at the expression on his face.

"You're right though." he blinked in surprise.

"Fake name?" Niall asked a bit sadly. I shook my head and almost started laughing. Liam was smirking like he was in on some big joke. Which he sort of was. He knew what my name was.

"My name is Theresa Marie-Antoinette Channing." Niall laughed.

"Your name's long." I nodded my head slowly.

"Marie-Antoinette is my middle name." I sounded nervous, like I was scared they would laugh at the fact that i was named after someone who got their head chopped off.

"It's cute." Liam told me.

"Thanks." I replied smiling at him.

"My full name is Liam James Payne. This is Louis William Tomlinson." he said gesturing toward the guy in the front seat, who smiled and waved at me even though he was driving. I waved back at him and laughed. "Niall James Horan." He said pointing at the blond boy.

"Nice to meet ya." he said brightly. His accent really came on thick there and I couldn't help but laughed.

"Uhh Zayn Javadd Malik." I pointed at him triumphantly.

"See! Your middle name and last name are as weird as your first." I cried out. He laughed.

"Names in general are weird. Like who just woke up one day and said like my name is Geoffry and nobody argued with him." I nodded. He had a goodpoint.

"Finally, Harry Edward Styles." his name flowed like a waterfall. It fit him. It was perfect.

We hoped out of the car when we got back to camp. I was really tiered and felt sticky. All I wanted was to take a shower. That's the only reason I chose this campground. They had indoor pluming. That's all I really needed out of a campground. None of this rugged pee in the bushes thing. I told them where I was going and Liam said,

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