Up All Night

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"No! No!" I screamed. "Get away from me!" It fell on deaf ears he was still chasing me. I knew how this would end but I tried every time. Trying counts right? I stumbled and fell, I mean of course. He smelled foul and he had this wild look in his eyes. There was something else too. Something I wouldn't discover until later was, lust. I was only fifteen, and I had never been kissed. Boys didn't even look at me, but this creep, this guy I had known forever who'd always been so sweet and so kind had taken a violent turn in my eyes. He was 18 and had been out drinking. I had been waiting for my mom to pick me up from the movies. All my friends were gone. They said they could stay but it was getting sort of late. I told them to go ahead. I was fifteen I could take care of myself. How wrong I was. They shot me worried glances as they got into their cars and drove away. He came out of nowhere.

"Hey Theresa!" a slurred voice called out. He was clearly drunk. I tried to have a decent conversation with him. Told him he should go home, but he clearly wasn't listening. He was staring at my chest. I'd suddenly blossomed out of nowhere and had been feeling self conscience about it. I crossed my arms. "When'd you become all grown up." the tone of his voice had changed. He tried to kiss me, I pulled away. He made a low animalistic growl and it freaked me out. I ran. He chased. That's how I ended up in that dark alley tripping over boxes and clutter. I knew what was coming. "Stop! Stop!" I screamed again.

I was being shaken. "No! Stop!" I shouted pushing him away. I struggled to get out of his grip but his big hands encircled my wrists. Pinning them to my sides. He had his legs on either side of mine keeping them together. I thrashed around trying to wriggle away. I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or if this was real life. Either way I didn't like it. "Jeremy!" I pleaded. "Get off!" this happened in all of about twenty seconds, but it felt a lot longer.

"Terra, Terra stop!" the voice commanded. That was not the slurred voice I was used to in my dreams. It was raspy and familiar. I finally opened my eyes, still trying to free myself. It was Harry. With all the strength I could muster I threw him off of me and scooted to the farthest corner of the tent trying to get away from him. We were still only about two feet away. Like I said before, small tent. It was meant for two. I was breathing heavily, seated in a fetal position. I almost wanted to slap myself for letting Harry see me like this. My arms wrapped themselves around my legs hugging them to my chest. My hair was probably a wild mess and my eyes were wide, scared.

"What the hell are you doing in here!" I griped, trying to sound angry, but not loud at the same time. What time was it even?

"You were the one shouting!" he fired back just as angry. I tried to make my breathing even but my heart was pounding in my chest.

"No I wasn't!" I scoffed rolling my eyes. I knew that was a lie though. "Why were you on top of me?" I demanded, gritting my teeth.

"You were having a bad dream. I was trying to wake you up but you kept thrashing around and I had to stop you somehow. Don't feel so special." I gaped at him. He had no fucking idea what I was dreaming about. It wasn't just a bad dream it was my worst nightmare, and every night I relieved it.

"Do I look like I feel special!" I found myself yelling. Even he was surprised at how harsh I sounded. We were silent.

"Why are you crying?" his voice was so soft I almost didn't hear it.

"I'm not crying." but I heard the catch in my voice. You know, that awful horrible sound when someone's about to burst into tears. I could feel them threatening to spill out. I breathed in and tried to breathe out but a chocked sob came out instead. I lost it. Dropping my head to my knees so Harry wouldn't see me as I started to cry. Staining my old stripped pajama pants. I even started rocking back and forth. Probably one of the most pathetic things I've ever done. Harry didn't say a word. I didn't even hear him as he shuffled over to sit next to me. He pulled gently at my arm and I collapsed as he pulled me against his chest. This wasn't suppose to happen. I wanted to tell Harry to get out but I couldn't find my voice. Harry let me soak his shirt with my tears. He was rubbing my arm with one hand and stroking my hair with the other. He was mumbling something but I couldn't hear him over my hysterical crying.

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