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"So team captain, what's our point of attack?" John asked. Well I think it was John. We was grinning at me and spinning the volleyball over and over in his palm.

"Umm. Well I know virtually nothing about volleyball." I replied.

"Same goes for me." Zayn chimed in. I sighed. Oh great. We were going to loose.

"We play volleyball all the time. Mostly beach." David said with a shrug.

"I know the basics of volleyball." Liam offered.

"Ok well if one of you guys wants to take over as Captain I will gladly step aside." I told them. David shook his head.

"Naw, be Captain. We'll just make sure we win." he said grinning broadly. I smiled back unable to help myself. He seemed like one of those guys you couldn't help but like.

"All right. Well first off how do you hit the ball?" i asked. I've watched volleyball before and some of my friends have played it. I was never interested though. It's basically the extreme version of keep the balloon in the air. It was boring. David and John showed us all how to properly hit and how to spike. They said there was also diving and sliding for the ball but they didn't demonstrate. I looked down at the sand and could almost feel the chaffing. I shuddered.

"That's basically it." John said in conclusion.

"Are you guys ready." Bree whined. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. I turned to look at them. Alison seemed to be clinging to Harry. He wasn't looking at her though. He was staring right at me and suddenly I could feel how close I was to David. I inched away. Bree looked a bit annoyed and I could see why. Louis and Niall were messing around. I don't know if she was annoyed because of that or because they weren't paying attention to her.

"Yeah. One minute." I called out looking back at them.

"We can be in front." John offered.

"Why don't you put the ball in." David continued tossing me the ball. I awkwardly caught it and rolled it around in my hands. It felt weird.

"I don't know." I said looking at them uneasily.

"You'll be fine." John encouraged. They were all looking at me expectantly. I sighed.

"If you say so." I finally muttered.

"Cool." David said with a smile.

"Let's start!" John called out as we all took our respective places. John and David were point. I was in the back right corner with Zayn and then Liam at the other end. I didn't think it was a good idea to have Zayn and I next to each other. I'm not trying to be mean but we both seemed like the kind of people who just didn't do sports. It wasn't something we would be into. Across from us. Harry and Alison had taken the front. Bree had placed herself in the middle between Niall and Louis. They weren't messing around anymore. It was game time. Alison was saying something to Harry which made him smile. I scowled.

Groaning inwardly I breathed out and positioned my arms and the ball the way I had seen David do it. I breathed in and out preparing myself. I was going to fail so badly. Bad enough for them all to roll on the ground laughing. I wouldn't be able to face the smug look on Harry's face. I would rather die. I hit the ball. It sailed over David's head and over the net for which I was thankful. Alison hit it back over and the game started.

I learned rather quickly that John and Alison were the competitive one's. They would shout things at each other like "You have no game!" or "Loser!" I was guessing they were pretty close to know that it didn't mean anything. All part of the game. Bree and David were the silent but deadly type. They meant business. Their movements were quick and meaningful. They knew what they wanted and how to move to get to the ball faster. Liam was the same way. He was a bit off at first. I'm guessing he hadn't played the game in a while, but soon he had gotten into the groove and was just as good as the others. Harry as it turns out, wasn't too bad either. I didn't think he had it in him, but there he was diving for the ball spiking, serving. I was surprised and maybe just a bit impressed. Niall and Louis didn't seem to care if they won or not. They just played for the heck of it. Meanwhile Zayn and I were completely, lost. We looked like cats chasing after a laser pointer. We never knew where to look or when was the right time to hit the ball because someone would usually step in to save the day. I wasn't even sure who was winning.

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