Popcorn Picnic

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We got out of the car upon reaching the movie theatre a city away. "We drove all this damn way. It better be a good surprise." I grumbled. They had blindfolded me minutes before and the bandanna was getting rather itchy. "Can I take this off?" I whined as the car came to a screeching halt.

"No." Harry said stopping my fingers from removing the wretched thing.

"But it's itchy." I complained touching my cheekbones trying not to scratch my skin. If I did the red marks would never leave.

"Suck it up." Harry said roughly into my ear.

"Fuck you." I whispered back.

"Maybe later Theresa." Harry whispered back. My cheeks immediately turned red and i felt Harry press a small kiss to my check. He was smirking.

"You're terrible." I told him once I could move my lips without shaking.

"Maybe. But that doesn't stop you from liking me." Harry replied. There was the sound of a doors opening all around me. I fumbled with my seat belt, clicking the button I pushed it back into place and placed my hands on the seat clutching the faux leather. "Come on." Harry said sounding a bit farther away.

"I can't see." I reminded him. He didn't say anything but seconds later I felt his hand close around mine. I slid across the seat and felt in front of me for the door frame before stepping out. I stumbled as I emerged from the car but Harry gripped my arms tightly preventing me from falling.

"Stop flirting you two." a voice called out.

"This isn't flirting. This is me falling out of a car because you idiots blindfolded me." I said in the general direction from which Louis' voice came from.

"Over here love." Louis replied sounding like he was off to my right and not my left like I thought.

"Besides. If you didn't have the blindfold it wouldn't be a surprise." Niall said excitedly.

"I can hardly wait." I grumbled.

"Come on you'll love it." Liam said touching my shoulder before moving on.

"Come along." Harry said into my ear dropping one hand from my arm and trailing the other down my left arm before winding our fingers together.

"You won't let me run into anything will you?" I asked taking a couple cautious steps.

"Maybe." Harry replied. I could just picture that stupid smile on his face. I rolled me eyes.

"Tada!" Louis exclaimed ripping the bandana off my eyes with a flourish of his arms. I blinked several times and shielded my eyes from the bright morning sunlight.

"The movies?" I questioned. Louis and Niall nodded excitedly. "Ok cool." I said putting on my best smile.

"Great! You can pick whatever you want." Liam said putting a hand on the small of my back and leading me toward the board with the movie listings. I pulled Harry along with me not wanting to let go of his hand.

"Umm. Why don't one of you guys pick. I'll be fine with anything really, but no chick-flicks." I corrected. Zayn whistled.

"First girl I've ever heard say that." he said trying to look at the listings over the glare.

"You need to get out more then." said squinting to try to see times. Niall and Louis laughed at the face Zayn made. In the end they picked some random action movie I had never heard of. We bought three buckets of large popcorn and drinks. The boys said Niall would need his own food. Sharing was not something Niall liked to do. Especially when it came to food. Zayn and Liam shared with Louis stealing occasionally and Harry and I shared though I didn't eat much. I was too preoccupied with Harry's hand on my knee. I grew increasingly nervous whenever he shifted it up and down but he never pulled away. I don't even think he was watching the movie he would smirk at lame parts. He was probably watching me out of the corner of his eye, relishing in my discomfort. Eventually I just grabbed his hand and placed it on the arm rest. Harry looked down smirking like crazy.

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