On the Floor

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Niall was a bit harder to find. I eventually came across him in the clothing section. He had an old top hat on his head and a gross looking red jacket. "Ew Niall." I said walking up to him, trying not to laugh.

"What? I think i look dashing." he replied grabbing the jacket's lapels trying to have an air of regalism and doing his best serious expression. I didn't have the restraint though. I started laughing at him doubling, over with it. I'd laughed more in the past few days then I had in two years. It was just something about these boys. Laughing Niall set the hat back down on a mannequins head and pulled of the jacket.

"I hear happy!" came Louis' singsong voice as he strode up the aisle. "What's going on here?" he asked throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Nothing." Niall said a smile still gracing his face.

"Well come on love. Everyone else is ready to leave when you are. I think Liam said something about headin down to that clothing store." he said to me. I nodded my head and Louis steered me through the aisle's with Niall in tow. We found Liam, Zayn and Harry waiting for us at the front door. Harry was staring at Louis' arm around my shoulder. I tried to pay attention to Niall's aimless chatter but Harry was glaring at me too harshly. I glanced at him and couldn't judge the look on his face. Something else that I noticed was, Zayn and Liam were carrying bags. Better not be gifts. I thought to myself. Liam had been texting and he pushed his phone into his pocket as we walked up.

"To the clothing store?" Liam a quizzical look on his face like I might say no.

"Sure. Why not." I replied shrugging Louis' arm off of my shoulders. Zayn held the door open for us as we headed outside. Unfortunately Harry and I were one of the last one's out. Zayn brushed past me and whispered something to Louis who looked back at me winked and whispered something back to Zayn. They both snickered.

"What's up with you and Louis?" Harry asked lowly. So low I almost didn't hear him.

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently. I knew exactly what he was talking about. I was just playing it down, even though I don't like Louis like that.

"Nothing. Never mind." he replied gruffly.

"Nothing's going on." I told him. There was a tone in my voice. One I couldn't place, and it was my own damn voice.

"Not that I care." Harry muttered staring off down the street.

"You obviously do if you asked." I countered. I caught him smiling but when he looked at me it disappeared. I just rolled my eyes. The store wasn't Walmart but Ross. You have no idea how much I love Ross. They have everything designer, for less. It was like heaven for me. I had gotten my combat boots from here. Well not this exact one but you know what I mean. "I fuckin love Ross." I told them almost dreamily as I jumped out of the car and practically ran toward the door.

"Maybe we shouldn't have brought her here. She has that look in her eye of someone ready to spend a guy's hard earned money." Zayn told the group. I burst out laughing. It was rare for him to make joke's but it was funny when he did.

"Whatever Zayn." I replied sticking my tongue out at him. I pushed open the doors and raced toward the shoe section. I was picking up a pair of black shoes with flowers crawling all over them when there a voice spoke up behind me.

"You like shoe's." I turned to look at Harry.

"Is that a question or a statement." I asked him. He shrugged.

"Statement." he replied after a while. He picked up a pair of dark blue guy's Lakai shoes.

"You know this is the size ten section." Harry said placing the shoes back on the rack. It took me a couple seconds to realize he was talking. I was just imagining how good those shoe's would look on him. I blushed a little.

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