Don't Wake Me Up

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"Are you saying you can't live without me?" I ask with a small smile on my face.

"Not exactly." Harry replied with a shrug. "I'm more or less trying to explain what will life be like while we're apart." he says sheepishly.

"Probably still the same." I tell him though I know I'm lying to myself. Frankly I don't know what I'll do either without the boys by my side. Harry's shaking his head.

"No, no. It definitely won't be the same." he laughs lightly then taps his chin thoughtfully, thinking. "We should just include you in the band." Harry says waving a finger at me which earns a laugh.

"Please. I'm not even that good and Simon might kill you guys. Plus I'm here, you're there, and the competition is basically over." I say listing all the things wrong with that idea.

"Okay okay but you should be a groupie." I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to be a groupie for you guys." I say laying back down.

"Oh come on! It'd be fun! Road tripping with One Direction!" Harry says enthusiastically. I snort.

"Oh the joy." I say spinning my finger in the air before dropping my hand.

"Are you that convinced we won't make it?" Harry asks his curly head popping into view. I sit up.

"No I think you guys are great, amazing even but I don't know. I haven't seen the other acts." I answer with a shrug.

"Well we're better than them." Harry assures me.

"Do you guys have a lot of fans?" I ask. Harry shrugs.

"Don't shrug at me. Come on I bet all the girls are drooling over you in Britain." i say touching his arm lightly.

"The only girl I want drooling over me is you." Harry says with a smile.

"That's sort of disgusting." I reply with a smile. Harry laughs again throwing back his head and grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah I'm definitely going to miss you." Harry says with a nod.

"You better." I grumble crossing my arms over my chest.

"Counting on it actually. When I get home I'll start counting down the days til I see you again." Harry tells me. I glance at him and bit my lip.

"How do you know you'll see me again?" I ask mildly. Harry shrugs.

"I just do. Even if this whole band thing doesn't work out... I'll see you again." he says with a nod eyebrows knitted together. It sounds more like he's trying to convince himself than me.

"Ok and when will you see me again?" I ask. Harry rolls his eyes.

"How about this summer?" he asks. I think my heart stops. That soon? I mean it's February but it's still sort of soon.

"Really?" I ask a look of pure confusion and surprise on my face.

"Yeah. I'll figure it out. I work at a bakery and.." I stop him.

"Hold up hold up." he stops and looks at me. "You work at a bakery?" I ask in disbelief putting down my hand.

"Yeah.." Harry says running a hand through his wild locks. I start laughing and I almost find it hard to stop. Just picturing Harry, Harry, in a bakery is hard to believe.

"What do you do in this bakery?" I ask.

"Uhh. Sell bread." he says stating the obvious.

"You're so stupid I meant do you bake it?" I said hitting his arm.

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