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I gripped Harry's shirt tighter not wanting to remove my head from his shoulder. I could tell by the steady rise and fall of his chest that he was still fast asleep. Everything that had happened last night came rushing back. I told them. I fucking told them. I stopped myself from bolting up, packing up all my shit and driving away like a maniac. I can't believe they got it out of me. They were all so nice and understanding about it though. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to wake up. I just want to lay here for the rest of my life and die like this.

"I know you're awake Theresa." A rough voice murmured into my ear. I sat up letting go of Harry and trying to make my face as blank and expressionless as I could. I glanced down at him before looking away. He was smirking again. "No come here." Harry said hoarsely peering up at me through the sunlight. Hesitating I pushed my hair back out of my face. I probably looked hideous at the moment. "Come here." Harry repeated taking my hand and tugging on it gently. I laid back down on him and he breathed in deeply. I tried not to think or breath. "Relax love." Harry mumbled rubbing my arm. I obeyed him, feeling my shoulders loosen up and the knot in my stomach untwist. I breathed in.

"Do you guys not want to be around me anymore?" I asked suddenly. "Because I'll totally understand and we'll never see each other again and.." I cut myself off, my lips were starting to shake.

"No. I'm not going to stop talking to you. It doesn't matter. I'll stay with you." Harry spoke after a while, and so we laid there. It occurred to me he spoke for himself and not for the group. Does that mean they thought differently? I didn't know what time it was or how long we'd been awake but I could smell food cooking and could only assume that the others were up.

"Maybe we should get up." I said slowly. Instead Harry hugged me tighter, wrapping his arms around my waist and my shoulders. I sighed and tried again. "We can't just lay here and I'm sure the boys have... Questions..." I told him. Harry sighed deeply and let me loose. We both sat up and he ran a hand through his curly hair. "You coming?" I asked unzipping the tent.

"Yeah give me a minute." Harry said waving me away. The bracelet I gave him, clinked on his wrist. I nodded and stepped outside not bothering to pull the zipper back up.

Outside it seemed like they were all waiting for me to emerge because they were on me in a second. Liam was handing me a plate of food, Niall shuffled me over to the table and sat me down between him and Louis who put his arm around my shoulders comfortingly. Zayn smiled at me shyly from behind his food. "Just to let you know love. We're here for you." Louis said rubbing my arm. I tried not to look uncomfortable.

"Thanks." I mumbled staring down at my food. There was the sound of a zipper being pulled up. My eyes found Harry's as he made his way toward the table. He said nothing as he sat down next to Zayn and began to eat the food Liam set before him. Everyone silently watched him. Then Liam himself sat down and began to eat. It was way too fuckin quiet. "So what are we going to do today?" I asked lightly. I could tell I was trembling ever so slightly. The boys did think differently of me now that I told them didn't they? Stupid stupid stupid! I shouldn't have said anything!

"We were thinking of letting you choose." Liam replied. I shrugged. There wasn't much to do around here.

"I don't know. There's not much to do around here.." I mumbled trailing off. The boys didn't say anything. I looked up at them. Niall and Zayn were both awkwardly staring down at their food. Liam and Harry looked like they were trying to proceed as normal but Liam kept giving me nervous looks like I might break down in tears. Louis still had his arm around me and was giving me a pitiful look. "You guys are being weird. Please don't be weird about this." I started to beg. "People always look at me differently now. It happened two years ago, which doesn't mean I'm over it but you guys don't have to look at me differently." I cried out, growing red.

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