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her outfit minus the tights, it's jeans instead, and she doesn't smoke so. yeah


I woke up on Saturday morning feeling better than I have ever felt in the longest time. I actually woke up with a smile on my face. I got up out of Harry's arms and smiled down at him. He was still asleep and he just looked so cute. On an impulse I kissed him lightly. Harry's green eye's fluttered opened.

"I wish I could wake up like that every morning." he said roughly pulling me back down and kissing me again. I actually giggled. Oh god something is wrong with me. I pushed him away.

"Too bad." I replied brightly. Harry rolled his eyes at my chipper mood and sighed.

"Why so enthusiastic." he asked tiredly.

"I don't know." I said rolling onto my stomach watching him. "What are we doing today?" I asked.

"We?" he echoed.

"You know you me and your friends." i said pulling my hair all to one side of my face.

"I don't know." Harry breathed out. "Maybe you should take your happy attitude somewhere else and ask them." he grumbled.

"Well aren't we a ray of sunshine in the morning." I replied sarcastically about to get up. Harry rolled onto his stomach and threw his arm around me pinning me to the ground and to his side. "Hey!" I said trying to wiggle out of his grip. "I thought you told me to go." I said. Harry opened his eyes a crack and looked at me before closing them again.

"Just stay here for a bit." he murmured. I sighed.

"Fine. But we're going to have to get up eventually." I said laying my head back down on the pillows. Harry didn't reply. I watched his face. Everyone looks more peaceful in there sleep. Harry even more so.

"Staring is creepy." Harry told me.

"I'm not staring. I'm observing." Harry smiled but didn't open his eyes.

"Sounds about the same to me." he replied. I sighed and closed my eyes. For once we weren't fighting or talking about my past and it was great. For just a couple minutes we didn't hate each other. Did I ever hate him at all? No. He sort of just aggravated me. I opened my eyes and was met with Harry's.

"Look who's staring now." I said. Harry laughed and propped himself up on one arm.

"Alright. Go on." he said gesturing toward the door.

"You have to get up too." I said hitting him with a pillow. "I will he replied as I sat up.

"Now." Harry rolled his eyes and sat up. "I'm up now come on." he said motioning for me to go first. I rolled my eyes and exited the tent.

I stepped out into the bright sunshine and breathed in the fresh air. Harry nudged me and I stepped back. He emerged from the tent and closed it behind him.

"Look who's finally up!" Louis all but shouted bounding over to us.

"Yeah yeah." Harry mumbled brushing past him and grabbing the cup Liam was holding out to him. Louis was suggestively raising his eyebrows again and I made a disgusted face at him to which he laughed at. Harry raised one eyebrow at me but I shook my head slightly. He returned back to sipping his coffee.

"So. We have something special planned today!" Niall said enthusiastically. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Special?" i said looking at Liam who just smiled pleasantly. "It's a surprise." he said mysteriously.

"I'm not good with surprises." I said nervously tugging on the fabric of my pajama pants.

"It's a good surprise." Zayn said tiredly still managing a smile this early in the morning.

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