Our Last Meal

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I woke up on Sunday and... No. NO. NO! NO! I did not wake up! I did not want to wake up! I couldn't wake up! It wasn't time! Dear god please! It wasn't time.

"Love are you ok?" Harry murmured stroking my hair. I cracked one eye open and looked at him. He was still laid back on the pillows eyes closed breathing softly.

"Why?" i asked breathing out slowly, steadily.

"Because i felt you tense up." he replied moving his hand down my arm and resting it just before my elbow.

"It's Sunday." was all i said. I knew he understood that by the way he sighed.

"Yeah. Sunday." he repeated. We laid there for a while. I listened to his heartbeat and felt the rise and fall of his chest under my hand. I would've fallen asleep again if it weren't for the blinding sunlight and the chirping of the birds "Time to get up." Harry said shaking my shoulder gently.

"No." i grumbled squeezing my eyes shut and clinging to his t-shirt.

"I can throw you off of me." Harry warned.

"You wouldn't dare." i answered hitting him lightly not bothering to open my eyes. He didn't say anything at first.

"Come on babe." he said kissing my forehead. "I have something special planned." that made me sit up. I gave him a funny look furrowing my eyebrows and frowning slightly.

"Again? Harry it's Sunday. You guys have to get to the airport and i have to get home and..." Harry put his hand over my mouth.

"We have time, but we won't if you insist on sleeping all day." he said in a scolding manner.

"I'd rather stay here all day." i replied. Harry sighed and picked up my hand stroking the back of it with his thumb.

"Come on love. One last thing before we all depart." he said with pleading green, puppy dog eyes. I sighed.

"Fine. But i don't like surprises." reminded him.

"That's alright." he said bringing me closer and kissing my forehead hand on my cheek.

"It's just breakfast." he told me with a smile I smiled back at him and that's when the door to my tent opened up to reveal a rather energetic Louis.

"Oh good! The lovebirds are up!" he called out looking back at who i could only assume was Niall.

"Great tell 'em to get their asses moving!" Niall shouted back Irish accent shining through.

"You heard 'im. Get your asses up out of there." Louis said grabbing hold of my other hand and dragging me out along with Harry.

"You're such a jerk." i said letting go of Harry's hand so i could punch Louis in the arm.

"Well I'm a hungry jerk. Let's go guys!" he said waving his hand and motioning for us to get in the car.

"Umm hell no Louis do you see what I'm wearing?" i asked. Louis looked me up and down.

"Harry's sweater and pajama pants you look lovely let's go." he said pulling on my hand.

"No I'm changing!" i argued dragging my feet.

"I'm practically naked under here." i exclaimed Louis stopped and i began to regret getting out of bed. No. I was regretting coming on this trip.

"So you and Harry finally did the do?" Louis asked. "Hey guys!" Louis shouted cupping his hands over his mouth. "They did the fandango!" he shouted and immediately i began shaking my head and blushing tomato red.

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