The Pretties

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I walked back into camp with a scowl on my face. "Is everything fine now?" Liam asked he looked worried and upset. I sighed, frustrated.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I looked back at Harry as he came crashing through the bushes. He gave me this weird look so I turned away and sighed. Niall and Louis were sitting next to Zayn at the table. Niall was pouting. I've never seen him so sad. My heart ached a little. "Guys I'm sorry. I was just upset." I all but prayed to God hopping they would forgive me. That they would understand. In under a week I had gotten closer to these guys than I should have allowed myself to. I felt like I truly knew them even though we've had so little time with each other.

"It's fine." Niall whimpered.

"Niall." I whined coming up next to him. He stood up quickly and gave me a hug, squeezing me tight. I wrapped my arms around him and was weirdly comforted. "I'm not mad anymore I swear. I shouldn't have directed my anger towards you." I explained. "Forgive me?" I asked putting him at arm's length and searching his face. Niall slowly grinned and it made me smile too.

"Of course." he said happily.

"Well.. Now that everything is all honky-dory again. Let's hit the beach." Louis exclaimed standing up and nudging Zayn. I nodded slowly. I don't really want to go but if it got their minds off of Harry and I then I was down for anything. I turned around to look for Harry then but he was nowhere in sight.

Louis, Zayn and Niall trooped off to the bathroom to change while Liam stayed behind. He seemed to be waiting. I slowly gathered my things and began putting others away. I waited for him to speak.

"I saw what happened." he spoke up. I looked up at Liam confused. He was smiling at me mischievously.

"What are you talking about?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Don't play dumb." he replied putting his hands on his hips. Oh god.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said trying not to show any signs of faltering.

"You and Harry kissed." Liam finally stared. I brushed some hair out of my face and looked back at him.

"No we didn't." I discouraged, trying my best are you crazy look out on him.

"Yeah you did." he said trying not to laugh. I didn't reply. "Deny it all you want but I saw you guys." He came around the table to stand in front of me. "You were screaming. I thought you and Harry were trying to murder each other." I swallowed but the dryness I felt in my throat didn't leave. "I saw him kiss you." I looked away.

"Liam," I started. He backed away his hands upon defense.

"I'm not trying to judge or tell you what to do. I'm trying to say." he stopped i looked back over at him. "You guys are crazy about each other. You should be together." I shook my head.

"We're way too different." I mumbled.

"Not as different as you think." Liam said as he walked away. I bit my lip.

In the car I was all but forced to sit next to Harry. Louis got in the drivers seat and Liam hopped into the passenger side. They both claimed they remembered the way to the beach. Liar's. I had to tell them where to go. Zayn and Niall climbed into the back together. I stared at Harry in the middle seat wondering if I should just not go or save myself the trouble and drop dead where I stood. Grinding my teeth I got in. We arrived at the beach around eleven thirty. The boys had taken a while to get ready and we had to make food. When we got out we setup up our stuff a couple of yards away from a group of teens throwing around a volleyball. Without a word to the boys, I stripped of my shirt and pulled down my shorts. I dropped them in a heap in the sand by my chair. As I brushed my hair out of my eyes I caught Harry looking at me. I turned away and walked toward the ocean stopping at the shoreline. The water rushed around my ankles and the wind whipped my hair back. I put one hand on my hip and stared out at the water thinking of everything that had happened today. I was broken from my thoughts by a high pitched vocie.

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