Leave Me Alone

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"No! No! Please!" I screamed. Yeah, we were back to this. Running down the street, him coming after me. I was all alone and it was cold and dark. He hit me a couple of timespan the alley. I was crying but he didn't seem to care. Everything hurt. I chocked on the air that was suppose to help me breathe and begged him to stop. "Jeremy!" I wailed. Why could no one hear me? Why did no one ever hear me?

"Stop it! Theresa!" someone shouted over me. Again I found myself pinned down. Chucking Harry off of me I wrapped my arms around my knees again. It was hot. Way too hot. My hair was stuck to my face with sweat, or was it tears. I kept shaking and mumbling "Oh god." over and over. Harry came closer to me. He kept staring at me. I didn't see him, I was looking at the ground. Why did he have to come in? Why couldn't he leave me alone in my misery? He reached out and I flinched away, shutting my eyes. "Please god." I murmured. He brushed my hair out of my face. Somehow I had twisted it out of it's bun. The braid was coming undone as well. I hid a sob with a cough and reaching back, yanked my hair out of it's braid. It fell in little waves down my back and fell in my face. Harry didn't say anything. He just watched me as II tried to calm down. When I finally regained some sense and remembered how mean Harry was earlier I muttered. "Get out." but it didn't sound like my voice. It sounded like someone else's own disembodied, dead voice.

"No." Harry replied lowly.

"Leave me alone." I repeated. He just scooted closer to me. "Please leave me alone Harry I'm begging you." I pleaded looking up at him as tears started to fall again.

"I'm not leaving." he said firmly. It reminded me of Liam. I wiped away my tears.

"You call me Theresa." i mumbled. He blinked a couple times.

"Yeah.." he said slowly a bit confused.

"No one calls me that." i was trying to get my mind off of everything. I didn't really know why I was bringing this to his attention. I liked when he said. I didn't like it when anyone else called me that.

"It's beautiful. It's perfect for you." he replied. I looked up at him I could see it in his eyes. He meant it. I sniffled now knowing how to answer that.

"Please don't call me Theresa." I breathed out even though I never wanted him to stop saying my name.

"Does this happen every night?" he asked tentatively, pushing my hair out of my face. He didn't say if he would stop calling me Theresa though.

"What you coming into my tent?" I grumbled trying to keep the mood light. He didn't say anything. Harry began stroking my hair but I didn't mind. He used to do it all the time. He loved how long it was. "Yes." I finally whispered.

"What's it about?" he demanded. I shook my head and took my hair away from him. He dropped his hands into his lap.

"Please get out now." I said yet again. He didn't move. Letting my shoulders slump I laid down and turned away from him, letting my hair fall into my face. I hoped he would just get out. No such thing happened. I felt him lay down next to me instead. Tears were threatening to fall again and when they broke loose Harry threw his arm around my and pulled me into his chest. He kissed my forehead and rested his chin on the top of my head. He held my while I cried myself to sleep. I didn't dream and it was bliss.

I could barely open my eyes in the morning, but I could feel the warmth of the sunlight behind my eyelids. I forced them open and was almost blinded. I blinked a couple times to let my eyes adjust. I could hear Harry snoring lightly. I tried to get up but Harry's arm was wrapped too tightly around my waist. I sighed. I didn't want to move him and wake him up. I plopped my head back down on the pillows with a huff and laid there thinking of what to do.

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