Beach Time

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"So what are we doing today?" Niall asked.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm going to the beach." I responded before immediately regretting it.

"Ooo! Let's go with her!" Louis exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"You guys can't fit in my car." I pointed out.

"That's why we'll take our car." Zayn said coming up to the table and sitting next to Harry.

"You guys have a car?" I asked confused.

"Have you not seen the massive Sedan sitting over there." Louis said pointing toward their campsite. I glanced over. I could just make out the top of the car over the trees and bushes. I blinked in surprise.

"How did I not see that." Niall giggled next to me.

"We can all fit. We were going to get a smaller car but we couldn't fit Zayn's wardrobe and Harry's ego in such a small car." Liam said settling down next to me. Harry was grumbling as we burst into a fit of laughter.

"I do not have a big wardrobe." Zayn said defensively.

"You brought two suitcases. The rest of us brought one." Louis replied, elbowing him. Zayn frowned and crossed his arms.

"A guy's gotta be prepared." he muttered.

"For what!" Niall exclaimed. Zayn just glared at him.

"Are you even old enough to drive?" Liam asked looking at me. I nodded.

"Took my permit test at 15 and a half. Got my license about a year later. I've been driving myself around for about a year." I told them.

"Eager to get out." Louis said. More of a statement than a question.

"You have no idea." I bit into my bread and chewed, looking at my plate.

"So we'll get changed and Louis will drive." Liam said firmly. I guess I had no choice in the matter. Wait.. Louis will drive? Surprised I looked over at him.

"You can drive?" I asked cocking my head. He laughed at my expression.

"Believe it or not love, but I'm the oldest. I'm eighteen." he said grinning wickedly.

"You're right I don't believe you." I replied staring at Louis. He started laughing his head off. "I thought Liam was the oldest." I said jerking my thumb toward him.

"Cause he's the serious one." Niall said wiggling his fingers at Liam who just rolled his eyes.

"Who's second oldest?" I asked. Zayn raised his hand. "Seriously?" he nodded. It sort of made sense I guess. Zayn just seemed too chill.

"Then it's Liam, Niall, and Harry." Louis finished. I blinked in surprise at Harry.

"You're the youngest?" he just smirked at me.

"He acts like he's older sometimes. You should see him around.. OW!" Louis shouted as Harry punched him in the arm.

"Shut up." his voice sounded deeper in the morning. Liam chuckled. They were all sharing some big joke. I could tell by the way they all tried to hide their smiles. Not that I cared.

"Ok boy's let's go get changed." Liam said getting up and picking up his trash. He picked up my plate too.

"I can do that." I said as he walked toward the trash can.

"Nonsense." he called back. I smiled.

There was no use auguring with them. They insisted that we should all go to the beach together. I didn't want too not because I didn't like them, but because I'd rather not have five guys see me in my bathing suit. Especially Harry. It was like last night hadn't happened. He was back to his cocky self. I tried not to feel to offended. I changed into my bathing suit in the bathroom. The boys stripped down in their campground. There was plenty of tree cover but still. There could've been people watching. I don't think they particularly cared though. I put on shorts over my bottoms and threw on a loose white t-shirt. I threw my pyjamas pants and shirt into the back of my car. They were all sitting around in swim trunks at my table. "You're going to have to give Louis directions." Liam called as I grabbed my sunglasses out of the front of my car. "Cause we have no idea where anything is out here." I laughed as I put sunscreen, my iPod, a towel, and a book into a bag and slung it over my shoulder.

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