Coming Clean

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So there I was. Screaming "No! Please! Stop!" in the middle of the night like every night.

"Please Theresa, stop!" someone cried out in a pained voice. I jolted up and found myself in Harry's arms. I felt so sick, oh god. I think I might throw up. It had always felt real, the dream, but tonight was worse. I could still feel him on top of me. I can still smell the alcohol on his breath.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I moaned. Then quick as a flash I bolted up and out of the tent leaving Harry behind as I raced to the girls bathroom. I locked the stall door behind me and expected to throw up everything I had eaten that week. Instead I found myself dry heaving and crying my eyes out. This is my punishment for trying to have a good time. Trying to find something to make me happy. I couldn't have anything nice anymore. Nobody's going to want me once they know what's happened to me. I was leaning up against the wall of the bathroom crying when someone knocked on the door. "Go away!" I cried out.

"Not a chance love." came Harry's rough voice. He sounded tired and maybe slightly annoyed. "Come on love open up." he continued jiggling the door handle.

"No Harry." I replied wiping at my tears but they kept coming.

"I'll break down the door then." he said. I actually found myself laughing.

"You're too scrawny." I exclaimed through my tears as I began rubbing my eyes.

"Just come out please Theresa." I opened the door and must have looked pretty mad because he stepped back.

"I told you never to call me that." I said forcefully. I stormed past him but he caught up to me turned me around and placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Are you ok? Did you throw up?" he asked concern evident in his green eyes.

"No.. To both questions." I answered tiredly.

"Ok." he said slowly. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close then. I almost started to cry again but I was not about to cry in Harry Styles arms so I hugged him back. "You have to tell us what's wrong." Harry said breaking away and leaning down to look me in the eyes.

"Us?" I whispered confused. He nodded and kissed me softly on the lips. Then leading me like a child he took my hand and we walked to their campground. They were all up, huddled in blankets and looking tired as fuck. "What's going on?" I demanded of Harry quietly while I watched Liam start a new fire.

"Don't worry love." he said kissing my forehead before he hopped the hedge to grab my chair. I didn't look at the rest of the boys I just stared at the ground and kicked a stray pebble. I didn't like where this was going. Harry came back and unfolded the chair then sat down right next to me in his. They all looked at me expectantly.

"What's going on?" i murmured.

"Tell us about your nightmare." Liam said calmly and softly. I shook my head fiercely.

"No guys. I.. I can't it's not.. I can't.." I was going to start crying again.

"Listen to me." Louis said. "I know we've joked about it but that's only because we don't know what's going on and we're trying to make you feel better." He'd never sounded so serious before. I was surprised. "We only want to know. I think we've been friends long enough to know." Louis continued, but i was shaking my head before he could finish.

"Believe me. It's not something you want to hear." i snapped.

"Who's Jeremy?" came Zayn's calm voice.

"Was he your boyfriend?" Niall pipped up and i was shaking my head.

"No, never. He was just some guy." i muttered looking down. Harry grabbed my hand and started stroking it with his thumb.

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